Calling at all Power Users, our new sample page has arrived!

Ah, so I don’t have the PowerPort II 2 Ports because I’ve already reviewed it.

Maybe USA only?

Yeah i received it a few days later thanks just a bit strange why it never came on the day it said it was going to

I do believe that’s the newest one with iq2.0, I thought you reviewed the older one?

The one above is the one I reviewed.

My mistake then, sorry about that

I think you’re right :laughing: I just mean the one at the very top of the image…

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Ok so the awesome jump starter is finally available in the UK and is curerntly on the @AnkerOfficial PU page.

Really tempted to buy it… but unsure how to write a review for it because I’ve never actually had to jump start a car before :innocent::joy:


Same here, accidentally caught the code while scrolling the site on my iPad. Was tempted to purchase & review but like you, never had the need to jump start so wouldn’t really be a thorough review…requested a code cancel…

…can’t even recall any family members or neighbours recently who’ve needed a jump :slight_smile:

D’oh I went to the pu page only to be disappointed, I saw u said UK but I was hopeful. My wife’s car died the other day due to her leaving the parking lights on, so this would have been great to start it. The old large jump pack we have is so old it couldn’t start her car so she had to wait for me to get home to hook my car up to hers to start it…also told her to never touch her lights since they shut off with the car,

Purchased another manufacturer made start up and it was a life saver. Can you try to start an engine solely by removing your existing battery and start up the car with this thing? Mostly likely not but curious.

I am able to publish reviews now at
Last month I was not allowed to do so
and one review I could post unexpectedly, was deleted a few days later.

I think it makes much more sense to publish reviews at AMAZON, as here at the forum. :smiley:

not seen a poweruser free sample for a long time now

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Quick question. Now that Amazon have started cracking down on none purchases for reviews left. Where do people post their reviews other than YouTube and this forum?

Some link to their own webpage, Twitter,Facebook among others


I left a review on my both my Twitter and instagram accounts which i never posted and wanted to see if it worked but normally i post my product reviews on my Facebook page


I never used facebook and all these other “social media”,
because our chair I was working for
was doing researches in data security.
So I know what I’m speaking about.

Yes, it might seem I’m a Neanderthal, but I don’t care.:sunglasses:

As we all see now, Mr. Zuckerberg and his company does’nt care much about privacy of datas.:angry:

There was an old man from Germany,
Who looked at Facebook and asked why,
So Trump got elected, and Brexit happened, both dubiouslly,
And now we have to hide in our bunker in nuclear winter waiting to see the sky.


There was an old man from Germany
Who often said, humour me
So Trump was elected
Brexit was selected
And now he’s a lil bit grumpy!