Become a Movie Screener - Sign Up to Test Nebula Prizm

Thank you for the opportunity! Congratulations to the other winners!


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Congrats to the winners

Looking forward to seeing/reading the reviews

congratulations to the 5 winners :grin:

I am excited to see more reviews about this.

Thats a cool product

Many congratulations to the winners! hope this happens to other countries too!

Sure will in the future! Stay tuned! :wink:

Heres my review!


Added my review.


It looks like some of you have received yours already. Mine said it shipped on 9/22, but I still haven’t gotten anything. When I check the tracking number it says that USPS is awaiting the item. Then when I go to the Amazon page to check it out, it says it’s out of stock. :frowning: Nice reviews @Tim_Searles and @thetonyclay! Makes me even more excited to play with this and use it!

Yeah, I got mine back on 9/20, so it is really strange that yours would be taking that long to receive it.

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Weird. I wonder if it just got delayed in the shipping process and then sold out on Amazon. Looks like @AnkerOfficial is out on holiday at the moment, so I’ll check back with them next week when they’re back.

Update: I got mine in this mail just in time for Halloween! Woo hoo!! I’ll be firing this baby up tonight and testing out some window projections. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Thanks again, @AnkerOfficial! Looking forward to playing with this and creating a review!


wow that is a long time from when others got theirs, but at least you got it. looking forward to seeing your review.

oddly enough, I only recall seeing 2 other reviews for this and with you aside we still haven’t seen @Jbkim215 or @bleaum review. Did their order get held up too like yours or did we just not get reviews posted?

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It did take a long time. The shipment was lost in the mail. I had the tracking number, but it never updated past the shipping facility. I’m just happy to have gotten it. The packaging looks great! Excited to pop open the box tonight.


Its a long way to Tipperary! :grin:


I got mine too, but ended up spending a week in the ER, got home and had to turn around and evacuate for Hurricane Michael. Just got back late last week, and here I am right back in the ER! I do plan to post mine as soon as I get done with all this mess though, and don’t expect it to be much longee at all now thet I’m finally home again. Just gotta keep my BP from killing me.

Aye, ye, ye…


Yikes! Sounds like it’s been a rough road. I’m so sorry to hear all of that. I hope you’re doing better now and you didn’t any or much damage from the hurricane.

By the time mine arrived, life was in full force with the kids and every other responsibility out there, so I have yet to put it to full use. I’m going to try to create a review this weekend, but wanted to get some suggestions on things to test and ways to put it to some fun use. Note: Halloween is down…but Christmas may already be up in my home… #noshame

Any ideas?

I would love to have become a tester and become a movie screener I love films and have been thinking about a test of nebula would film all from box opening to packing away let’s hope I can help advertise your amazing product let me help get your name into the UK market