Anker’s First Meetup! | Recap

Where in NY though? lol

Probably NY, NY…

NY City, NY? Do you have a tentative timeline?

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Yea I figured. People seem to forgot that NYC is only roughly 0.55% of NY State… lol

I don’t, and I’m not American. I’ve even corrected people over the years.

My secret? Ive had a long term friend in Syracuse. lol

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I was expecting to see a dot with a arrow that say “I’m here” :joy:


you’ll never know!

:sob: New York is too far for me :sob:

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It’s way too far for me… I am SF Bay area :smile:

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I’m good with NY! Just gotta get the timeline correct! This will probably happen in Manhattan…

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It hasn’t be confirmed now, but if I have any news, I will share it here!:grin:

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I will let you know if we made a decision.:grin:

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Just remember, NC has some beautiful mountains… (hint hint hint)

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SF is in the west coast and I’m in the east. We gotta find some middle ground :sweat_smile:


Has the second fan meetup happened yet, @AnkerTechnical?

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Yes, it’s happened in Seattle, it hosted by our social media manager.

Great! please share some photos and highlights of the meetup

new york seems like a great choice

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How did it go? Mind sharing some details