Amazing so cool
Amazon UK Lightning Deals Wed 7th mar 2018
we need this
Its so cool
Do it for the bucks
Anker is awesome
i love anker
racking points
racking bucks
rscking power
more power
more bucks
need more bucks
@TechnicallyWell @ndalby, this user even admits to doing this just to rack up points and a blatant disregard to forum rules
His posting history is similar on several other threads in the last few hours. PM sent and @AnkerOfficial also asked to have a word. Should a power draw win occur this week from bucks earned I hope @AnkerOfficial will take the posting’s into account before granting…
I hope that he/she gets a timeout.
Hi @Naveen_Ali,
I’m glad to know you like the Powerdraw program, so that you are eager to earn some powerbucks.
I would suggest you to keep your posts on-topic. Please do not spam or re-post.
You should make your post contain appropriate, helpful, and meaningful content.
Breaking the rules will result in a warning flag. If too many warning flags or post deletions accumulate on your account, you may be banned from the forum. If you have been banned and wish to request a reinstatement of your account, please contact:
Thank you so much.
Wow so polite I don’t know if I could to this.
Im sorry
I’m new at this and i didn’t know that those things aren’t allowed
No worries, I believe you will finally make some meaningful content.