All my reviews are gone from Amazon, anyone else?

Same here, my reviews were deleted from the spirit x as well

Sorry to hear that, @iroast and @elmo41683! :frowning:

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Is it because you guys always reviewed Anker products? @elmo41683 @iroast
So the Amazon consider you are doing the fake review?


So, I think there’s a conflict of interest between Amazon and their reviewers. Amazon gets paid by sellers to have their products reviewed by Vine Customers. If their regular customers are doing reviews for free products, then that eats away at their pocket change since sellers don’t need to pay Amazon for reviews.

I posted multiple reviews within the week, so that could have triggered their bots to do their thing. I think to be safe, reviewers should post 1 review every few weeks.

Amazon is doing it wrong. They should really screen reviews properly and reward customers for good reviews. If sellers can sell a lot more products based on quality reviews, then Amazon get more money from sellers based on commissions. However, for this to work, they would also have to drop the monthly subscription that sellers pay if they don’t want to pay per item commission fee.They should also delete the useless short reviews (e.g, “Love this product” or “This product sucks! Don’t buy”.


I only reviewed Anker products that I have actually bought. So it’s clear that I paid for the items and they still deleted my reviews. Heck one of the reviews was 3 stars, yes Anker support got in touch with me and fixed the issue, but the 3 star still remained and they still deleted all my Anker reviews. I have also noticed a handful of other reviews got deleted that were for other companies

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All these misfortunes happened to me some time ago at

But now all is fine…:wink: …psst!

There are many reviews at written by really “unqualified” reviewers and those are not referring to “qualified purchases”.
I was talking about.
Those should be canceled by ANKER immediately,
as these are quite needless and will ruin the reputation as well.

You should forward this to your “boss”, “AnkerOfficial”.

We will never find out how AMAZON makes a distinction between those they keep and those they are deleting.

May be they run some kind of weird detecting algorithm.
Who knows! :angry:

This is exactly what I said before!

This has happened to me as well. I’m not quite sure where I am going to write reviews besides at this forum. I might just do a youtube channel for the hell of it. Visuals are always nice.

In the past, I reviewed products (mainly from Anker) and posted my reviews at I’ve always identified very clearly that it was a product I received for free to review.

In the meantime, the rules have changed, and since then I just posted reviews in there for the products I bought.

A few days back I noticed that I got blocked by to post reviews. Have asked for clarifications and the only thing they tell you is they’ve decided to block me from community activities, and that’s it. There’s no way to dispute or questioning such decision :rage::rage::rage:

Did this happen to anyone else? Any way to dispute the decision?

It happened to me, after a few months I was allowed to review products again, however I seem to be blocked from reviewing any anker products I have not bought through
I get this error when I try…

I can’t find any way to dispute it. :frowning:

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I have no… NO … Problems posting reviews on products I’ve purchased. However, when I review Anker products from PU/PD I sometimes get stopped, and told… You can only review stuff you’ve bought (in as many words!)

So I wouldn’t say I have issues with Amazon reviews, but i don’t say I got it free… Maybe that’s why I don’t get a problem? IDK

Unless it’s a rule to say it’s a freebie, I don’t, as my review is the same regardless of purchase price. For Argos, when I review, I do say it’s a free item, but that’s their requirement and the review is just for the Argos website.

(Argos is a UK catalogue/online shop, that does its own testing program)

As I know, Amazon will identify false reviews in two ways:

1.Review frequency: If the frequency of the review is too high, it will be regarded as the seller control review quality. Which will trigger the Amazon warning system. After that, all the reviews will be deleted.

2.IP repeatability is too high: Amazon may delete it directly if it scans the same IP address with too many comments on different accounts.


For different products? What I tend to do is to periodically go thought the products (all sorts not tech only) and review them in batch. Is Amazon expecting each review to happen individually at different times?

Hey man, Sorry to hear about that. I’m from the US so I don’t know if they specifically changed the rules for outside the US, but the same thing happened to me. I still have no idea why but one day all my reviews were gone and I couldn’t post new ones on products I had just purchased. I contacted customer support, It took about a week, but they got it all back for me and I am allowed to post reviews again, I suggest calling their customer support and, if you really want to be able to review again, don’t stop talking until they agree to fix the problem. If you are a Prime member they will do bascically anything to keep you happy!

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it;s the same for me on iphone 8, its their stupid new UI for mobile, one photo, really, that’s all Amazon? goofballs

Like I said to the other guy who had the same problem Because it happened to me as well One day all of my reviews were gone and that was no longer allowed to put new ones. I contacted their customer support VIA PHONE, CALL it’s the onlt way to get it done. After a week, they were back and I can review again

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Call customer support tell them what’s going on, I had the same problem and they fixed it within a week. If you are a Prime member they do anything to keep you happy, but you MUST CALL NOT CHAT OR EMAIL Good Luck


LIke @Chris_Renshaw said, maybe the best way to know their review rules is to contact their customer support.


Prime member? They WILL fix it!

This was exactly what I did.
No chat, no email.
Just a call.
Thank you for the hint!:wink:

As I am only a very polite,
friendly and eloquent old gentleman (not a prime member) :grin:
I could convince the young lady forwarding my issue to the authority responsible.

And Voila: All restored. :sweat_smile: