2019 Community T-Shirts Have Shipped!

Lol. How did you know what it was?

How can I get a backpack :rofl::face_with_monocle:

Become a senior member


Lol yeah I know…

Great idea! Second that.

Although I’m not sure if it will be like the t-shirts in that you can get one whenever or not…

You are the person that we can definitely trust!:laughing:


… or not come across as a self-centered materialist (not you Josh), as in the past when I got chance of free stuff I do not need, I picked a selfless person and sent it to them. The odd member here may know when I did that. I did not know someone who needed a backpack, so it is in an Anker warehouse somewhere waiting for a deserving community member.


Send it to @MacBlank or @Chiquinho :grin:

But Mac likes bumbags (UK) / fannypacks (USA), he uses them to go to coffee shops. Franz never mentioned backpacks.

Don’t dare me.

This is also why I don’t apply for very many We Love Testing event. Most of the time I figure that other people are more capable of thoroughly testing the device than I am.

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Franz probably wouldn’t use it. He also didn’t want the T-shirt :grin:. I’ll buy it from you… if you’re willing to sell it…

Oh man nice backpack! I’m happy with my shirt but I would’ve loved to get one too. Hopefully next time :thumbsup:

Yikes. Read slower.

I refused the T-shirt. It is with Anker to distribute how they wish. Not on me.

Don’t get me started on cotton.

If anyone wants to send me something, I’ll think if I need it.

Do you spot any cotton here

or here


I strive to live the minimalistic life you live. What made you choose to refuse cotton and go the minimalistic route? Was it always like this or was there a turning point


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Oh wow it really will kill you dang that is kind of scary. Isn’t most clothing made of cotton or is that not a thing and I’m just wrong lol cause if so buying clothes must be hard

Most clothes are polyester nowadays. Which is great for summer when you want to stay cool.

Thank you for thinking of me.
I still use my “Gockel” :wink: (sic) rucksack since many years.
Made by a recommended manufacturer, similar to the ANKER bagpack.

Excellent thanks, very similar to a Trespass one I use for work…will try to get some additional pictures up this evening (perhaps loaded with my on the go Anker haul :grin:)