YASP FCC Soundcore Wireless headphones A3944 A3943

Yet Another Soundcore Product


FCC postings are the final step in being able to sell the product in USA, this averages 6 weeks although we’ve seen 2 weeks to 6 months. Anker uses confidentiality request to not say more than the electromagnetic emissions, so it’s only useful as a heads-up something is coming.

You don’t need FCC for non-selling beta testing so some here may have this already but rightly not say.

This one is like others where they intend to have two identical products for online (Soundcore, Amazon, etc) and offline (Walmart, BestBuy, etc). But they are the same and will look the same when we see them.

This isn’t true wireless buds as there’s no left and right so it’s headphones.

As to what it is, that’s speculation. My speculation is as they’ve recently done Q35 and Q20+ it’s either a Q10+ or something entirely different “Q40”. What they’ve yet to do, as it’s expensive, is a very good ANC headphones. If you crank up the ANC performance you tend to have to make the headphones less comfortable as you tend to not allow air to the ear and add weight to stop resonance shaking. Perhaps they are doing something to nudge up ANC?

While the P3 is double the price of P2, Q35 is 30% higher than Q30, so the general trend is to higher end higher prices, there is still a large gap with Sony Bose etc in the $300 region.

Likely the next post I can make is from the Japanese equivalent of FCC as they post photos.