What adblocker are you using?

I’m surprised someone as technical as yourself says this.

Cast your mind back to PGP. Pretty Good Privacy. Uncle Sam didn’t like it as the bad people could not be checked.

Man-in-the-middle attacks are where someone in middle decrypts using the shared public key and recrypts using their private key, hence the notion of public/private key. SSL is core to this. If it is SSL then the network path cannot see your data.

Non-SSL, your point is valid.

You are being tracked if you do not use VPN, all the VPN does is change who where is doing the tracking.

I’d be wary of free adblock VPN solutions (how are they funded, hint, hint).

There are some VPN solutions under LINUX, what would you use?

Are there VPN solutions which don’t work under Linux? I know some corporate ones are tricky (Cisco, etc), but as Linux supports OpenVPN, PPTP, etc, you can get Linux to everything.

Linux has the advantage of SSH so ssh -D so a SOCKS proxy.

I’d often SSH to my home to just encapsulate all traffic back to home to keep nosy unencrypted Wifi sniffers out of my business. While your traffic to your bank is encrypted (SSL), the fact you go to a particular bank is still unencrypted and then you’re vulnerable to phishing.

VPN primary advantage is to block any kind of IP tracking like if you’re torrenting, or watching streaming media intended for another country.

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Regarding that bank traffic.
I think there are good secure optical solutions which are very hard to get hacked (man in the middle not possible)
I am sure you know about that chiptan, = smarttan ect.
Now they got readers for QR ( I dont have and use)
The old paper lists are not allowed anymore

So @Shenoy is correct there is increased risk when you pass all traffic through a maligned intent path. To host a VPN involves paying for all the network traffic bandwidth and servers and support. So a “too cheap to believe” VPN service must (cough) get income in some way.

Similar issue with unencrypted WiFi.

It goes like this:

  • you go to a bank website, I’ll say www.hackme.com (made up name)
  • the fact you went to www.hackme.com is logged by the maligned intent system. You then are exposed to one of two main attacks.
    1. you actually forwarded to the real www.hackme.com , then you are sent an email later pretending to be from similar www.hackme-x.com and they host this and you login with user/pass it fails but they then immediately login to the real site and empty your bank account. They get your email address by making you register for free WiFi / VPN.
    1. they don’t send you to the real site but this fake one and steal your money, this is less successful as your guard is up, the phishing one fools more.

Man in the middle attacks manifest as not a valid certificate.

This community is vulnerable. Often I see the traffic fail as https and becomes http and I have to logout/login to force it back to to https.

I think many of ul here know about, but its perfect to tell about as often as possible!

I would care much more about the misuse of credit cards. That’s more dangerous.
So many warning about.

We’re drifting wayyyy off adblockers, but…

This is country specific but the protection with credit card is usually better than debit card.

Also if you’re concerned then ensure whoever you bank with does two factor authentication, usually send a text to registered mobile.

OK, debit card , the normal “user card” from your bank,
Credit card you get from VSA, Mstercard etc.
Is this correct?

But we can go back to VPN and adblockers! :grinning:

Hehe… I took a look at the cards. Yes I got it.
Not familiar with those cards. But now I have to use.
Works! :grinning:

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Tried Firefox on Linux and Android.

I think I prefer it as on Android it lets me add Unlock Origin. Example sites like FCC which are barely useable in Chrome Android, are much better in Firefox.

You can create Firefox sync account and share history between devices like in Chrome.

Google is way too interested in collection of data and advertising revenue.

Of course you can do, and there are more security features.


Not so much blocking ads but there’s repetitive items at the bottom of this site’s page I don’t want to see each time, they load first and waste my time.

Been playing with unblock origin Firefox Android and managed to remove the clutter.



uBlock and PiHole

basic but it gets the job done

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Hey @ikari04warrior
I’ve never used an ad blocker, does this work on any app?
I use the Google search app and i have web pages open within that. So would Ad Guard still work or does it only work on Samsung browser?

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Hmm I believe it only works on the Samsung browser. But people recommend a DNS that blocks ads systemwide.
Check this thread for more info

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Spam Links / Accounts - ongoing

I use chrome 99% of the time and I have used adblock+ for years without any issues.