Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

I heard today that accidents of/with bikers are increasing here.
Claro, all try to avoid public transports if possible.

I was biking for years every day from home to the university when it was located in the city.
After a huge part of our TUM moved to Garching I gave up.
What would have happened -> lessons -> flat tire somewhere in the wilderness. :smiley:

But what I see now the most bikers in the city are really crazy, no rules, no nothing.

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There’s an old saying, makes most sense in English.

There are old cyclists.
There are bold cyclists.
There are no old bold cyclists.

I’ve not been hit by Anyone for over 30 years but I’ve had self caused accidents, my dumb, learned my mistake and correct myself. I’m usually slower than other cyclists. To your point.

I burn easily so I actually prefer a cloudy day at the beach. Still need sunscreen though!


Oho, be so careful with burning the skin.
Young persons don’t care often, but…
At the beach, wind, cloudy -> but the sun has great power!


Most of European population is at latitude of Canada, e.g. latitude of Paris France is further north than St John’s Newfoundland. The counter clockwise north Atlantic ocean current causes. The sun is less strong just through angle and atmospheric depth.

I was trying to remember where you guys had talked about the ghost. I must have taken the torch from one of others haha! I get it from this thread PS5 vs Xbox Series X - Which one will you choose!

We’ve been PM’ing the admin for months, never a fix. Logically it would seem to be an unusual configuration or activity of these two users, because they are not particularly high or low activity users relative to other users.

I’m wondering if it’s a client difference? The way they access? Different devices?

So we’re looking for a rare combination of access and usage, as it’s very few users

Always best to keep protected @TechnicallyWell :+1:t2:
Those UV rays can still have impact even on overcast days.

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@paulstevenewing whenever you post beach photos, we too end up being at one :rofl:

Yesterday we went to beach, trail walk, not so much into the sands, just for cool breeze and evening sunset…

All beaches at bay area were at full occupancy, had to find a remote spot, peaceful, with no crowd.


Great minds think alike @Shenoy
Great photo and glad you found a unocupied spot :+1:t2:

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I told you all we cancelled our vacations this summer.
Would have been 7 flights and a boat journey,
A little bit too much.

I think it was a good decision.

I got some photos my daughter took at our hollidays at the acores islands years ago.
Because nothing changed I can publish here.

This is a very typical view:


Shame the situation has effected so many people travel plans and vacations.
The Azores will be waiting for you another “safer” year.


The issues will grow up when many tourist come back from Spain and the Balkans.
Portugal is quite safe at the moment, and the islands are isolated.
But who knows what will happen in the near future.!

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Indeed @Chiquinho, only time will tell.

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Those are some great pics :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: @Chiquinho


One of Paul’s fave weekend haunts.

BBC News - Sheringham seawater turns brown due to flooding

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Same here in some parts of Bavaria
Heavy rains.
Often basements get flooded.
Why? all around the houses got paved!
Stupid they are!

A new built house nearby, such a ugly thing.
It really looks like a “bunker” and the garden is full of stones.

We keep as many flowers as we can.
The bees are humming all the day. :grinning:

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I’ve seem that @professor :+1:t2:
I’ve has some first hand footage as Debbie’s boss lives there!
Thankfully nothing more than a soggy garden for them, but worse in other parts.

its a week ahead of heat wave… had couple of power outages already … many more expected


What a shame we cant do a weather trade @Shenoy