Web Interface?

I say just grab that SD card and plug it into the computer. That’s what I do.

If you have an android with an expansion slot you can also stick it right in the phone too. I do that sometimes with my dashcam.

This will not work, as said several times.

Bro, eufy will not make it that easy for you :grin:
SD card is encrypted and only when inserted in it’s homebase it allows you to view the events ONLY via APP.
You can view them on web portal if you pay $10/month cloud subscription :unamused:

Drat! How irritating

This might be a bit late, but I found that you can use IP Centcom’s RTSP functionality to use the camera’s NAS RTSP storage option to view the cameras live feed.
I’ve only got the Indoor Cam 2K and they work very well. I also have the doorbell 2K, but haven’t found how to view that live feed, outside of the app.