Unable to talk to Robovac through Google Assistant with shared device

Two people in my house, call them A and B.
Person A first installed the EufyHome app and connected it to the Robovac 30c.
A linked the google assistant to Eufy and is able to do things like “Hey Google, ask robovac to start”
B installed the EufyHome app and created an account.
A shared the Robovac device with A.
B accepted the shared device and is able to control it through the EufyHome app.
B linked the google assistant to Eufy.
But B is not able to activate the robovac through the Google assistant.
When B says “Hey Google, ask Robovac to start”, the robovac agent responds with “You don’t have any RoboVac link to your account, please link your RoboVac in your EufyHome app”.

Please fix this bug!

May I use my sarcasm?


The slave obeys ONLY one master.

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