Thoughts on new iPhone coming out?

I think it was something that was probably made public at the post keynote testing as it was not mentioned on stage, then again it would not have been a good selling point if they did;

Phil Schiller
‘and yes you now have the ability of fast charging, 50% in just 30 mins, we think it’s really cool, your gonna love it’
Phil Schiller (thinking)
and we’ll love the extra $74 made from the charger you will need



Why didn’t they change the lightning cable with usb-c? Certain choices I will never understand :disappointed:

Extra money, plus they know you would have to buy theirs (at their premium) as they currently do not allow other companies to license USB-C to lightning… :imp:

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Because apple likes to control things and by switching to usb-c they couldn’t keep all the monies made from selling their proprietary cabke

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Fast charging is now a must have … my iPhone 6 takes more than two hours to recharge :neutral_face:

Yes, but Apple should have said at the presentation that these new iPhone need a dedicated cable for the fast charging!

I think it was worse that consumers find they can not charge their new iphone 8 / X immediately with fast charging.

It’s also listed in the tech specs on Apple’s site;

8li really don’t like i phones at all… To much of having to have their special chargers and no microbe card…

Just too expensive for a phone :rofl:

exactly what @ndalby said

Apple uses a proprietary lightning cable which charges 3rd party makers a fee for allowing them to make it and sell products. That is a huge part of their revenue and it’d just be dumb to remove that on their end, they make so much money from it! sucks for us consumers but business is business

also, they cleverly removed the headphone jack claiming that it was for waterproofing and the stereo speaker…it is true to some extent, but I believe the biggest reason was the fact the headphone jack was not proprietary and they could make no money from it, and for them to spend so much money into waterproofing the hole from the headphone jack, why not remove it and have 3rd party manufactuerers make a lightning cable earphone and charge more fees for it? not to mention, they also can make money selling the dongles

Just a friendly reminder a few of android wear 2.0 watches and Samsung Gear S3 had the LTE for a while now

If you are looking for an LTE enabled smartwatch, do checkout either the LG Sport Watch or the Gear S3.

while Apple Watch series 3 seems great, the LTE talk time is only 1 hour (standalone time), while Gear S3 is 2-2.5 hours. This is because Gear S3 has a much bigger battery and can last longer than the Apple Watch regardless of talk time or not. Apple watch has about 1-2 days of usage if you dont do much, whereas the Gear S3 can get you 3-4 days, so roughly x2 the days. I do have to say though, the Gear S3 is one big ass watch, it is what deterred me from buying it when it came out. Not for people with small wrist, thats for sure. I have not seen or tried the LG Sport Watch in person so I dont know much about that, but it does look slimmer.

Appletards will still buy it, but they have to go through the grief process first of it was not the phone they wanted.

Everyone else:

Looking in my dictionary I see that this is not a word in Webster-Merriam. Any how, I assume you are a galaxy user and I doubt you will touch a Product of Apple due to it being designed in The United States of America. I prefer American designed because last time I checked my old iPhone 4 in my draw and my iPhone 6 in my pocket have not exploded leaving me a Samsung note 7 tattoo. Why they didn’t test for a period of time? I have no idea, all I know is that getting in a car it better not explode. They will permanently have their image ruined because of that and will never be looked at the same. I now see on your chart you have anger, heres sucide prevention, Call 1-800-273-8255 and I hope you get better @nigelhealy!

There have been less than 15 reported incidents of the note 7 exploding, out of the hundred thousands that have been sold which is less than 1 percent. Everyone likes to blow things out of proportion until facts set in. Oh and there was a few iPhone instances where they had battery issues and caught fire too but you don’t hear the news ever mention that.

But regardless your Apple phone may be designed here in the states, but Almost All phones are made overseas so your American phone is not American at all

This is true, but Anker offers a solution to save at least some money! This will fast charge your iPhone, and it’s about half the price of Apple’s!

Their PowerCore+ 26800 PD will also fast charge the new iPhones (though it’s not cheap). You can find it here on Amazon and check out my review of it here!

Cough. No.

I have a OnePlus3T (made in China, as is iPhoney) and a Moto G4 Play (I pulled its back and looked, also made in China).

I would not buy Samsung as it is more expensive.

Are you trying to be jokingly appearing to be a typical Appletard, of trying to realign reality to support an Apple bias?

I just buy either cheap or innovation. Apple is neither. So Not Appletard.

My non-Appletard does not mean anything else. It does not mean Samsung.

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I feel like he’s definitely trying to do this^^


My issue is I think Appletards are too lazy to write something that long. Plus, it sounds ever so slightly too smart.

Let’s just say people that buy iPhones are GENERALLY less educated about the subject.

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That is a very well phrased summary of the truth.

That allows for:

  • intelligent educated who just don’t care about phones and want something which works, price is not important.
  • intelligent ignorant who do not know the iphone is inferior because they don’t know.
  • dumb who have who their opinions piped to them via advertisement.

As such, iphone users are covering a very wide spectrum, from the very richest, the most pragmatic, to the downright idiot.

It takes me usually 2-5 seconds to know which.

If I encounter:

  • Not important: “I wanted a phone, it works” It is only a phone. Respect.
  • Subjective: “I feel iphone is superior because of an app” then it is acceptable. Personal opinion.
  • Appletard: “I like the iphone because of specifications, like it has this new wireless charging, etc” then I know its an idiot. Someone else’s opinion.
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Which one do I fall under?