The Story Behind the #LockdownBox

Just watched Unbox Therapy’s video on this and you guys did an amazing job with what was sent and how he covered it. You could truly see how happy he was with the LA2, especially when everyone wants an alternative to AirPods or Galaxy Buds. Keep up the good work @AnkerOfficial!

This is awesome :slight_smile: Nothing better than to get a gift like this. Shows you how much Anker cares!

This looked so fun! A PowerCore in there would probably be handy too, but that’s already a super neat kit.

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Love to get a couple of Robot Vacuums, cameras for the common areas and door/window sensors in a care package

With everyone staying home, the house gets very messy, doors (especially Pantry) are kept open

Love to track what’s open, see it on camera and send the kids a pic to confirm that they left the door open or dropped food, send the Robot army to clean up the mess :wink: so i can concentrate on my work

Would be great if the vacuum could also keep the dog occupied

nooooooooooo … if this comes true, what do i do with my powerconf I already bought last week :joy:


Wow! That is a great Lock Down Box. All items should keep you entertained for quite some time.

I may not belong in the list with the others… I am around on here, but I’m not ahead of the announcements unless one of the others breaks the news first.

I hope you realize that something is wrong, @AnkerOfficial.

Us community members should never have to share news from Anker (via other news outlets, Amazon, etc.). It should always be shared on your own website and community first. Other sources second.

Unfortunately, Anker doesn’t seem to have figured this out yet.

I hope you start to implement change, as I was told by the PR team was happening years ago!


It’s only an active member list that I remember, nothing else.
I was trying to see how many of you I can remember by name :wink: like I am gradually getting to know most of you now. It feels like making new friends here :laughing:


May “others” are much more important than we here are.:wink:

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So my time machine is just logic from the present.

Public transport shared spaces, taxi, Uber, etc, are likely to kept sparsely populated, partly rules, partly fear, for 2 years. They are going to be for those with no alternative, so logically you can see when you mix the medical with economics:

  • bike, scooter is going to increase very rapidly, anyone in this space is going to have their best year ever.
  • work from home is going to stay. It always has been a good idea but this pandemic gave it a kick. I made the WFH move >20 years ago.
  • building contractors making home offices, sound insulation.
  • Offices can never be the same again. Desks far apart, big meeting rooms, plenty of big screens and good microphones. The global corporations already have these.
  • very, very, very expensive flights.
  • tourism becomes pre-car local.

So I don’t see your Powerconf getting idle anytime soon. I do see places like San Francisco having very polarizing experience. Tourism gone, office realty gone, so it becomes a place of the already-there with those who can WFH being quite enjoying the quietness and those reliant on SFO and fly-in tourism a very bad life.

Learn bike maintenance skills and buy a Powerconf,

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I think what you have in there is good but I would change the powerconf for maybe a flare 2. I like the powerconf but in a Lockdown I want it to be for me and not work. lol

I would also say I would also be willing to get a surprise.

We have been extended for work from home till end of may, and believe this may extend into June. I really love quietness of working from, (that is unless my kids walk into office and start playing) meet people over webex video calls, getting more work done than I would while in office, though the distractions have increased over IM / Chat clients with endless dings and chimes, have started snoozing notifications.

Some of Counties here are re- opening, cautiously, though the state is already planned to re- open in multiple phases… So it will be a wait- watch game. Not sure of the outcome…

BBC News - Coronavirus: £2bn for ‘once in a generation change’ to transport

Whoever gets their thinking into relaxing lockdown and bike, ebike, escooter, will make a healthy income.

Cool. I watched the video when he first released it.

I wonder if there were any issues when it passed thru U.S. Customs :sweat_smile:

Unbox Therapy is in Canada. Toronto, I think.

Than, Customs anywhere

I was think that #lockdownbox will open the box on live stream. great products.

The current changes might end up being a flash in the pan. Lockdown life is going to end at some point, and we’ll see what changes after that.

People may decide that retreating to their private, enclosed, safe and secure cars and a house with more space is the best choice. Then everything turns on its head.

We are agreeing.

Some people who worked from home prior, but felt under pressure to go into the office, will feel emboldened to go into office less.
Some people who preferred to go into office, but found a way (spaces, technology, discipline) to WFH will be coverts and so WFH more.
Some people fed up but found cycling an escape, will do more cycling.
Some people will fear being uncontrolled up close to others in public transport and shun it.

My point is we are most of us in / leaving peak lockdown, the trend will be towards less lockdown, and so purchases of technology will pivot to the delta, the main difference, which is more biking and scooter to work than in the past.

I predict e-bikes and e-scooter sales will globally rocket, that will cause need for more and faster charging locations, so there will be people wanting recharge options at offices. Get ahead of demand and turn a profit.