The Anker Treasure Hunt | Find Every Product to Win

How many Anker products in this image?


I take the beer! Prosit!

I got nine.

Did the sight of the beer distract you from counting the Anker products :joy::joy::joy:


If you count 4 Anker products then put the glass down. :crazy_face:

How many Anker products in this image?


@professor I saw 2 in your picture … and only have my coffee mug with me :rofl:

Anker Powercore Charger and 3-in-1 Anker PowerLine II Cable

AHH but which Powercore. Check your knowledge.

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Ten. I can see a scavenger hunt in the future for Anker products on the site in the future

Powercore II 6700 :face_with_monocle: ?


But thinking out loud for a competition, what if they made you actually guess the products exactly, it would then favour true Anker fans?

Sorry I only have 3 Anker products with me right now :nerd_face:


I’m going to play this one smart and wait until the end to comment my answer :sweat_smile:.

I’ll keep looking through the image for more products, and at the end I can figure out what everyone else guessed to help myself out :sweat_smile:.

tough luck this time… for the pictures in contest, it may be a good idea :wink: never too late to update the rules

@AnkerOfficial may be you could add the rule suggested by @professor


My favorite part of the Highlights magazines when I was a kid!

So, I see 10 for sure, but if you count a certain “cable” as (2) items and not a single C-to-lightning cable, that would make 11 items when they’re counted separately.

Pretty fun contest! Thanks @AnkerOfficial

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And as the rules doesnt state proof is required you could be right @professor

I see 10 products, although 1 can be construed as a dual item thus making it 11

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If you were to win this do you know what you would end up picking as your prize?

I have no trouble finding 9 of the items. I may need to clean my glasses though.

I’m not gonna lie guys, I’m well and truly stuck on 9.
I’ve looked at the picture from every angle and can’t find anymore.

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At least you’re honest! Really appreciate that! You still have time to keep looking or maybe there really are just 9 and all of us are hallucinating you never know until Anker releases the answers😂

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