Show us your Work from Home Situation!

Nope to both.
Are you getting Heath Street Services confused with Heathgate Medical?
And yeah, I get what you’re saying :+1:t2:

Only just seen this post.
Don’t you like the Starbucks cup? Think it’s a Christmas special.
It’s Debs mug, I use it as it’s the biggest we have - room for extra caffeine :sleeping:

Working from home isn’t that new to me and I like it.
Normally though I’m there on my own and now with the missus the other side of the dinning room table :grimacing:

Good you’re experienced.

I’d say working from home is relatively easy apart from:

  • kids, they just splurt in. That is fixed with an explicit work location. Schools closed now make this work.
  • if two people are working in different jobs, the noise of one person’s job over the other person’s job, so if both parents now working from home…

So you need effectively a separate office per worker. I built that in the house I’m in but done over 25 years.

I don’t see this work from home ending anytime significantly before September so bunker down for the long haul.

There is good news to come, the sky won’t fall down, the home environment becomes work-friendlier, as we learn how, and then when you can venture out, many people will do that less in the future than the past, with positive impact on roads, air quality, work/life balance. The last significant issue in UK caused the NHS, the one before gave Women the right to vote.

It will just be painful initially during adjustment.

You kids have it easy, 25 years ago I needed 3 dial-up phone lines (data, fax, voice) and had a 2400bps modem.


The cup doesn’t matter.
Important is what it’s in there! :wink:

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I agree with @professor - this is a fundamental shift in the way we work and move around. Beyond the end of the immediate crisis, I do hope we maintain some of the habits we develop during this time and spend less time in cars and on planes, opting instead for remote meetings as the default. That could keep a lot of carbon out of the air.

We are also lucky to have separate offices in this house with closeable doors. That keeps the kids at bay. Also we are one wall apart from each other so we can knock on it from time to time and bug the other one :slight_smile:


Here is my basement setup. We don’t have an office so we had to improvise.


Don’t get too cramped there…

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You need more screens, keyboard, and mice.

I know. Apparently 1% of the population dying from a bug, is a necessary wakeup call to stop flying, driving and consuming so much. Global warming is going to do a lot worse than 1% population impact.

There’s good outcomes, after the unpleasant one to come.

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:rofl::rofl: I know right? This is the biggest space we have for this stuff. It’s a mess for sure…

Have you seen some of the videos from Italy showing clear canals and fish swimming around? It’s rather eye opening as to the damage we put on the earth in our daily routines.