Share Your Story | Win a 3 Year Anniversary Mystery Box!

Greetings from Willy 11S.
He would like to care about yours. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


She lives under the TV stand.


Congratulations @paulstevenewing :clap:

So what will you name the Robovac?

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Thanks @Shenoy
We haven’t decided yet. The boy will make the final decision.
So far he’s thinking Mr Robovac (bear in mind it’s a girl) Matilda or Mary Poppins :rofl:

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So we have Willy, Rosie, AstroBoy… So per the sequence, it should be a lady… Mary Poppins would suit the best :rofl::rofl:


Drum roll please…
We can now add “Mary Poppins” to the Robovac Hall of Fame.
He choose Mary Poppins because In the film she helps people and the vacuum helps us!
Bit deep for a 6 year old!


Excellent selection by your son :+1:t2::ok_hand:t2:

Mary Poppins :clap:

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Thanks for reminding me about this Robovac Moments!!! Will have it done soon with my kids… :innocent::partying_face:

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Marry, ja ja…
Willy will be enamored, when I tell him from her.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Marry says she likes Willy’s eyes.

But she also likes the glowing blue buttons of @Shenoy Astroboy.
I fear there will be trouble ahead :flushed:

We will get in troubles.
One day Willy will disappear and I have to pick up him at Calais.:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Only on when it comes to #Anker though lol. If I could get that lucky to rub off in the rest of my life I would be set!

The best moment I’ve had over the years is real feeling of community and value as a tester and winner of various audio products. My first win was for the original soundcore mini. I was so impressed with this little wOnder that I expanded into the power line series followed by my first powercore usb battery that I lovingly and accidentally passed onto a southwest flight attendant while flying to San Jose CA. Another lovely experience and one of the most surprising was that Anker light vacuum that I was chosen to test from the original sample program. Three going on 4 years alter we still use this vacuum. This is a testament to the quality Anker batteries from then and today. But by far the best experience was the one when my Father’s Day story was chosen as a winner of a two-way eufy dashcam. That caught me totally off guard as I was testing a doorbell at the same time.


So, haven’t you received the parcel yet? Is the parcel lost?:sob:

@AnkerOfficial Not yet, still waiting to hear back from Hermes who were going to contact the driver regarding my missing parcel and overall complaint (forged signature etc)…not expecting much back from them other than to contact the sender (standard pass the buck response from Hermes :roll_eyes: )

Amazon totally let it’s UK customers down selling deliveries to Hermes.

Since they took over deliveries, I’ve not had one that’s gone perfectly… Now even for Amazon, that’s bad!

@paulstevenewing Congrats! I got sibling of your robovac 11s :laughing:

Here it saying hi to Astro Boy, Mary Poppins and Willy over the pond !!
@Chiquinho @Shenoy


Thanks again @AnkerOfficial :bowing_man:


Boom :+1:t2:
A little family of suckers :rofl:
So have you picked a name?

My 6 yo is working on picking a name. Any ideas are welcome :innocent:

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Star destroyer