Screen Cast Nebula Capsule with Android 10 on Samsung Galaxy S10+

I get my Capsule beamer and try to screen cast with my Galaxy S10+. Both devices are in the same WiFi, and in der menu “Wi-Fi Direct” I’m able to finde the Nebula. Then I try to connect the devices and the phone says “connectet”. On the Nebula there is going on something but I can’t see a message. And after 5 seconds the connection was closed. It isn’t possible to stream anything because the Nebula isn’t connected. Can you imagine what’s going wrong? I can’t finde a solution in the internet until now. Can you help me?

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Just arrived today from Amazon this new gadget.
Sa issue when try to connect my Samsung S10+ to Nebula Capsule Smart WiFi Portable Projector.
Disconnected after 5 sec when try to stream my pics so videos using Smart View facility from my phone.
Anybody knows to fix it because Anker Customer Service (the producer of Nebula Capsule) didn’t respond and don’t know why !!!
Thank you.
Eusebiu Pungaru
Registered Trade Mark
IPO Reg#

I found that my phone was putting the YouTube app to sleep. This was causing the same problem as you describe. Make sure you enable “Allow background activity” for YouTube and Google Home.
Make sure your firmware and apps are up to date on the Nebula too.
Also, reboot your router.

If you do all these things, it should work. I had to do this all after I upgraded from Android 10 to 11 on my S10e