RoboVac L70 Hybrid - Loses Wifi, Mapping and Troubleshooting

Some may find this useful for troubleshooting and others keep that 30 days in mind!

My experience with the Hybrid L70 for 25 days it was so much fun!


  1. Unit loses wifi flashing blue light; wait for it to reconnect (wifi light blinking 5-10 minutes) or never, power unit off then back on, working. select the L70 in App and Press the clean button oh goodness its working.
  2. Wait a day, solid wireless light; select the L70 in App and Press the clean button, goes offline in the map. wait for it to stop flicking in map about 5-10 minutes or never. Go back outside the App and choose the 30C max, press the clean, 30C max starts cleaning? It’s not the App?
  3. Unit loses wifi flashing blue light; wait for it to reconnect (wifi light blinking 5-10 minutes) or never, power unit off then back on, working. select the L70 in the App and press clean somehow it lost the map? unit is not real-time mapping and continues to clean, wait for it to finish. map never saved. Yay!
  4. Solid wireless light; select the L70 in App and Press the clean button, goes offline in the map. wait for it to stop flicking in map about 5-10 minutes or never or wait for the in between times. unit running but no real-time mapping? Go back outside the app and choose the 30C max, press the clean, 30C max starts cleaning? Again Not the app!

Advanced Troubleshooting:

  1. Wait a day; select the L70 in app and press the clean button, goes offline in the map. Hard reset unit or least try too, de-dock from the charge station, lift the lid, press the reset button while on, turns off, dock the unit and press the on button. wifi still connected? I thought hard reset is supposed to reset all settings? try 2-3 more times finally get it to stick. Go through the setup in App having hell of time getting it to connect to my tablet or my phone (both android OS) try 2-3 more times. It’s connected. Never touch the app again that day.
  2. Wait a day; Select the L70 in app and Press the clean button, goes offline in the map, flickering. Hard reset unit, de-dock from the charge station, lift the lid, press the reset button while on, turns off, dock the unit and press the on button. wifi still connected? hard reset, try 2-3 more times finally get it to stick. Go through the setup having hell of time getting it to connect to my tablet or my phone, try 2-3 more times. It’s connected. Let’s try the 30C max from the App. 30C max is cleaning? No flickering what so ever, never has! I have a physical remote control for the 30C Max and use that sometimes but mainly the App.
  3. Wait a day; select the L70 in app and Press the clean button, goes offline in the map? repeat steps listed above on hard reset and then this time remove L70 and 30C Max from the app and remove the app from the tablet and phone.
  4. Start over like I am just installing both them for the first time. install app on both the tablet and the phone, add the 30C max to the app. 5 minutes later done and functional…L70 - hell of time getting it to add, can’t find or not connected to L70Hybrid_abdgef network - OKAY!

Expert Troubleshooting:
Rebuilt my home router, remove all things wired/wireless on my network minus my phone. Laid the L70 Hybrid on cardboard piece with it docked plugged in on top of my home router and went through the advanced troubleshooting number 4 (minus 30C Max and tablet) and had hell of time getting it to CONNECT to my phone. Maybe its too close; nah! If I put in the kitchen its hit miss hit miss “You sunk my Battleship” wifi experience. Hey Kimmie get out a coin, what for? We need to see if the L70 is going to work today! Flip…heads. aww !@#$! Who wants to do the Hard reset to L70? Kids? I do, I do, says Jimmy. Okay Jimmy see you in 2 hours… like any kid wants to do this!

Additional Notes
The first time L70 ran it seemed to be okay, the faint burning smell was there from day 1. I though maybe it would go away after little while you know like anything battery operated the burn/break in period, nope. Every single time it was used. As the days went on the product did work exactly what it was desiged to do; vacuumed, mopped (used at the end when it was kind of working), hit or miss with the map. Then wifi started dropping and had to go through the BS troubleshooting (not advanced). Whenever I would catch in between the flickering in the App to clean it would show the real-time mapping. When I had to do a hard reset; basically a dot on the black screen and no mapping, Yay! If I go into history there is the map layout of my house? But not in real-time mapping? What! How? Reaching out to support was told to set no-go/on-mop and got 2 more times use out of it before I had to hard reset it again.
Now I did contact support 4 times emails back and forth, uploaded video as well as pictures. They want to me to troubleshoot more. I don’t know what else I could do.
I wanted this soooo to work as the 30C Max and the Battery Powered Doorbell are both impressive products. Time was running out and the opportunity of promised refund was closing in, thanks Amazon!

You could publish these hints at the EUFY-website as well.

I would but the problem was only with Hybrid L70 Vacuum. The 30C Max and Doorbell are awesome products.

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Of course there are many perfectly working products from Anker/soundcore/EUFY.
But the forum I mentioned has more EUFY customers than you might find here.

I got a simple 11S (old Willy).
He is doing his hard work daily here in our house
since nearly 2 3/4 years now.

Swapped the middle brush 1/2 a year ago and now he is fine again.
He is a “Stupid RoboVac” : No app, no problems :rofl:

The photo was taken when my monkey engineers swapped the brush.
They got advice from a little Chinese colleague came directly from Shenzen.

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Let’s hope they can help others having similar issues

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