Researchers hacked a robotic vacuum cleaner to record speech and music remotely

Interesting article.

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Not our 11S ( Mary, Duchess, Astroboy and old Willy)
They are too clever to get hacked. :joy:

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Indeed @Chiquinho
No one can hack my Mary.
But to be fair, most homes have enough “connected” devices not to worry about having an additional unit hacked.


I don’t have one but they would just record me talking to myself

Or just don’t have carpet in your house :joy:

Exactly, Google is listening via your phone, Apple listening, Amazon listening. One more does little additional harm.

I’ve been a developer now for 39 years and not trusted technology for about 27 years once I realised how little checks are done on code. As a test I put some harmless but not required code and it passed audit, then years later did a test to trigger the code and “hello oh master how may I do your bidding” response proved it was still in there.

Best assume anything with electricity is tracking you.


George Orwell!

I’m aware of his stories.

I think in reality the problems seeded now will come back later. Google is not deleting anything, so 10 years from now someone can retrospectively say you did something.

I don’t believe in paranormal mumbo jumbo “woo” rubbish but I suspect at some point a future artificial intelligence will be trawling the mundane now and making predictions from it, an AI version of the film

Right now it is quite basic, Google is tracking based on what you look at and where you go, and what you purchase and creating correlations, probabilities if if they place something in your path you’ll buy from someone who is paying them the most. As such we’ll at some point not be particularly in control of our actions because a great computer has put things in our path to make us act a particular way. You can see how it’s already happening non-electronic already, for example, if you happen to have more melanin in your skin you’re more likely to be killed by a policeman because that skin tone caused things to happen prior.

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Funny how we’ve been drawn into all isn’t it?
23 years ago we were upgrading our phones to be able to play Snake.
Now many are using their phones to literally publish their lives to the world, constantly tapping click-bait and allowing devices to track and store every movement.

What’s the saying, “if your not paying for the product, you are the product”


No phone no "Schnake":grin:

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