Red Ants Pants Music Festival 2019 - Multiple Anker Product Review

Awesome showcasing there @gAnkster :+1:

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I like that you are showing and explaining real world use. Thanks for sharing!

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@gAnkster…you’re awesome! Sounds like a great event too! I loved reading and seeing all these different devices being used for an event like this. I love some Patty Griffen too! :grin::+1:

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@gAnkster Great usage of Anker products and showcasing how wonderful they are when you need them.
Thanks for sharing and job well done :+1:

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I was just pulling your leg😁 I Wonder if Anker would sponsor you. You provide some solid advertising working such large events and sharing your Anker experience. Maybe send some Anker Gear a few Raves and Powerhouse your way.

They did sponsor my Moodle conference!

I didn’t ask for Red Ants Pants… I’m not the event organizer (Just recycling volunteer coordinator), but we would certainly slap a logo on the side of the truck for some swag :grin:

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Great setup. Love see all the Anker gear in action!

Very cool to show how you use all of the products at an awesome event like this. I have a couple of PowerCores and have taken them to camping trips and races and they have always worked well for me. great photos man!

Even better, imo Anker would be wise to associate their brand name with eco-friendliness.

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Especially for the solar products…

If only the “Powerport Solar 60” capable of charging the Powerhouse was available to purchase outside of Japan.

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Dang, i forgot about that solar panel. I have friends over there so I may see if I can get one of them to ship it to me. Its longshot I know but I’m gonna try

At 15,840 yen that’s only $146 for the 60w - the 21w sells in the us for $139 right now :dizzy_face:

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Yea I saw that, price is a bit extreme but worth it in the long run

(to make the most of the Anker cables ;)) might be more solid if plus a car-towing show!

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It was really cool to read about how you used Anker products in a real-world situation. Way more interesting IMO than an unboxing video or synthetic review. :+1:

Great use of Anker products there, it’s refreshing to see a review that shows the real world applications of Anker products.

Enjoyed this, much more informative than a basic unboxing video and covering so many products at once. Shows how useful and practical all the items can be in everyday situations!