PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Congratulations to all winners! Especially @nigelhealy


Congrats to the new winners :smiley:

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Congrats to the new winners!!! :tada::confetti_ball::gift::balloon:

Congrats to this weeks winners @nigelhealy @Serg1023 @Yegman @Maplephp


Congrats to everyone who one.

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golly gosh I won something!


How many entries?

Long may you enjoy fiddling alone!

Enjoy your prizes

did max (10?) on the buds and the Powerport. These items get used a lot.

The most asked for item is the Fusion

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Dang @nigelhealy I wanted that wall plug. But I guess If I was beat, I’m glad it was by an awesome active member. Congrats man! :smiley:


Congrats to all winners this week :raised_hands:t2:

Good to see a few familiar names in the mix @Serg1023 and @nigelhealy (powerdraw and lvl 14 - needless to say your having a good St paddy’s day)

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I travel more than most and so seek out compact solutions to be able to weave through weather challenges like I had this week where impending bad weather at San Francisco would have caused my flight to be delayed so I rapidly bumped up to an earlier flight and got the last free seat. So this Powerport2 if it is small enough would replace this:


I have a slimline wall charger like that.

So slim n small, I can put it in my back pocket, without really noticing, along with a 1m lead. Has 2 fast charge usb sockets. Great when out n about.

1 hr lunch and get a decent charge while ya eat!

The bottom double pins, twist so it folds flat.

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Waiting for some new exciting Power Draws :smiley: been saving those bucks last week!

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I say keep saving them

Yep, might not go for this week’s.

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Yea the only thing I want is the flashlight, but with 20 entries so far I feel this one may go over 200 entries by the end of the week so not worth wasting bucks


Never own one Anker’s torch, very tempted too, missed a few times on PU.

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congrats!!! :blush:

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Wow. 3 Power Draw prizes open to everyone :clap: :clap: