PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

yes i did :confused:

Congrats to all the winners!

This week’s PD, is the picture wrong for the BOLDER LC40?

No, it’s correct, its just the older Model Lc40. The newer one is rechargeable


Ah, in that case, another week of bucks saved.

I have several similar to this.

Well I lost :slightly_frowning_face: but that’s ok but congratulations to this weeks winners


Congratulations winners!:tada::champagne::clinking_glasses::dancing_women:‍♀:confetti_ball:


Not sure if the winners are active enough to see this but congrats :clap:t2::tada:


yup, don’t recognize the names, but congrats to the winners. I was trying for the car plug, since its usb-c…looks like I’m buying one next paycheck

Was not a winner.

The torch would have been useful.

Strolling around in the cold dark winter at the flea market in the early dawn.

Would have liked it to avoid buying things with holes and cracks.!:relaxed:


I just saw that I won the car charger! Thank you Anker. Great way to start the week.

How long does it normally take to receive the shipping info email?


It takes some certain time to get the present!

Don’t be pushy and impatient.
It works! :grin:


I never meant to be pushy or impatient. I was simply asking a question and do not understand how my words could have been misconstrued that way.

You should get an email by the end of this week or sometime next week–keep an eye on your junk folder, just in case.

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Congrats new winners. Well done :slight_smile:

Love to get this week’s, USBC lead and finally give that shiny new wall charger a proper test.

I tried it with a cheap lead (approx £2 (GBP)) and it seemed to do ok. Hopefully a decent lead will show it off.

You know it is C to C and 6ft and thinner so 2.0 only? You have a C 2.0 charger?

I agree, for a few situations 6ft is good to own, by bedside for example, but my bedside charger has no USB-C itself so I can’t really benefit from this cable.

Dont you have the powerport 5 with USB c? It was in the Christmas pack we got last year. I use mine everyday, it stays beside so I can charge everything up

I was replying to @amangons

Yes I have USB-C Powerport5, the original 5 and the newer version. But even so, USB2 not 3 so it has its limits. My bedside charger is USB 10 port, because its like 2 smartphones, 3 tablets, 2 phones, blah blah.

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I never got the Crimbo pack, but I did *win" a new USBC wall charger, earlier this year.