Powerdraw - we now know our chances - about 1:250 needs nearly 4 years to win

Well your not exactly short of bucks :smile: They look like a good gift option or for spare set, at only 88 entries so far…go for it :laughing:

@joshuad11 I was debating this too, but seeing as I got the soundbuds surge I think I’ll pass for now. I’d much rather someone else win and benefit from them rather than me just wanting to use these when my other ones die

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I’m not a mathematician or a statistician, but this being a draw - assuming an honest and random draw - wouldn’t the chances be [your entrier] divided by [total of entries] each time?

It’s not like every time you play the lottery you get one step closer to winning, right?

No you should not. No one should, they’re terrible anyway :innocent:

I think you want the iphone cases, lovely lovely iphone cases.


Almost, and more true with a lot of bids or where you make one entry only, the issue is that not all entries are equal if you bid more than 1 entry. After you won one prize you are not considered for your other entries for the other prizes, it is one prize per person.

Really? I thought it was you couldn’t win the same prize twice.

That’s what I said

Then you will miss out on a lot of good headphones.:laughing:


I really want the soundbuds life, or the magnetic one…I forgot what it’s called

There are a few Anker products which really transform life. Making technology just work and work reliably.

Of these I would put the Soundbuds Life, the buds Slim / Slim+ (*) and the smaller Powercore (6700, 10000) as up there.

The Life, I got one for free and then 3 more for free and gave the other 3 to family as the comfort and battery life is just sublime. The Slim / Slim+ is when moving. A Powercore 6700 or 10000 stands out also.

The Life are magnetic, the Slim / Slim+ are magnetic but neither use magnets as control. The ones which use magnets for control are… not sure if made now still would be … possibly the Tag as it looks like the IE buds I had a year or so ago, the downside of those “tag” type is the buds are huge and fall out the ear. If given that choice of magnets big enough to control or smaller to make a necklace, I’d do the latter now owning both approaches.

Once I got the Slim, parked here as good enough. Only downside is the 7hr life so if I’m flying across the planet the battery life fail (answer = own 2 and swap and recharge the other)

Daily use for me is Life for home then move Slim+ for everything else.

(*) Slim vs Slim+ to me they are identical.

Over ear headphones coming soon, too, right?!

why do you want over-ear? I own some $350 ones in a box.

Certain situations, especially at desk. Video editing as an example.

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I like over the ear studio style headphones because I like to immerse myself into music and block everything else out. Plus you get the best sound out of those imo

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So, according to game theory, your chances are better if you go “all in” in one product per PowerDraw, is that it?

Depends on your Power Bucks total. If you have little then placing one bet per product increases chances of wins than placing all bets on one product.

Going “all in” becomes progressively wasteful. For example, it is unlikely but possible to win all 3 products (1 of each) in a week, but you can never win 3 prizes of 1 product in a week.

You can also be tactical, bid on items with with fewest entries wait til end of Friday and bid on only those with low entries. That would give most chance of winning.

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True that.

Interesting that this week there are fewer entries for Slim+ than PowerLine+ II… :confused:

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More people got new phones for Christmas maybe?

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Haha, just flipped.