Participate in the Poll and Win!

Kind of want to know what the number would have been though

150 was way too high considering the range of mystery numbers.
I guess once the number range was exceeded people who found this thread didn’t bother maybe?

Still at 62, so this event is dead?
@AnkerOfficial ?

Anker can rewrite all its own rules. They could just give out fewer prizes in lieu of less participation…

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So instead of winning six sets of batteries you’ll only win three😂

Yes, the poll was closed on June 22nd, and it didn’t get 150 votes as required. :relaxed: So prizes will be saved for different events.


Or zero, in fact.

Or not.

Can you tell us what the numbers would have been?

8, 10, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 78, 98

We expected more votes than replies for this poll, but no, seems like the opposite. :joy:

You did not invite us from over the pond.
Your fault! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


dang, that means I would have won a prize :cry:


Not enough bots in the right places.

Oh well.

NO bots for an old Neanderthaler.
There are not many left of us, “Homo sapiens” has token over. :rofl:

Thank you for the chance anyways @AnkerOfficial

@Professor any random generator logic for these numbers? lessons for the next event :wink:

So here’s the problem, if I guess correctly then all the numbers are used with too few members, and none get anything. If I do nothing, I get nothing.

Both results in me getting nothing.

I’m not sure how it’s a win?


Giving known, fixed targets is an invitation to game the system by entering many times at strategic moments. Just saying you will select 6 random people from the comments (and extra posts don’t count twice) eliminates that option. It also removes double or triple winners, and gives people incentives to join the whole time, so more of us will be more effective in communicating to others to join in…


darn oh well hopefully they lower the needed vote next time around

Yes, another week of Powerdraw AAA batteries…

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The rules could’ve been written better. If they made it clear, I’m sure we could’ve gotten more votes than comments

B all the way pocket friendly , a is the size of a phone, only good for a bag