No Google Play Services for Nebula Capsule V2.1.15 Version?

I purchased the Nebula Capsule and updated to the following versions:

System Version: NBUI_M1_V2.1.15
Android Version: 7.1.2

When I messaged Anker support to get the Google Play Services password, they said:

"we currently don’t have a beta firmware available for your current system version…"

Does this mean there is absolutely NO WAY for me to get Netflix on the Nebula? Honestly, that’s all I’m looking to get. Its a gift for my GF and she only uses Netflix…so its a bit of a bummer if I give to her without it.

Is there a possible work around to get the app installed? Via some manual install?

Any help would be appreciated!


Maybe this video can help you


Hi! I’ve seen “Google Play” in the title and it reminded me about one problem I have. I want to buy a lot of different apps on Google Play, but don’t want to waste money on it, LOL. I’ve heard that there is another way to obtain different stuff for Google Play. One of my friends told me that I can earn google play credit or something like that. Even showed me a few sites for that kind of activity. It looks convincing, but I don’t know. This sure isn’t some kind of a trickery? Does someone here know something about it?