New Anker 312 & 313 charger aka "Anker Ace"

New Anker video on the “Anker Ace”, aka Anker 313 for Samsung 45W charging.

Really wish Anker would:

  1. Have a consolidated place they make new product announcements &
  2. Consolidate their products naming schemes. Even the YouTube video doesn’t mention anything about it being an Anker 312/313, when that is the primary label on Amazon and their website.

Anyway, looks like a good product for Samsung users.


HMMM… Maybe a place they could use to give information to users about a topic of a stated product …

a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular views can be exchanged.

Hmm… What is that word that I am looking for? Maybe a forum or community? No I guess I was thinking of social media sites :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah I know, it’s on the tip of my tongue, some kind of shared space to announce and discuss products.

Begins with a C.

Don’t give me a clue. Not Reddit…

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It’s understandable to want Anker to have a more consolidated approach to product announcements and naming schemes. However, it’s important to note that companies often have different strategies for promoting products across different channels. The video you mentioned may have been created specifically for social media, while the product name and details on their website and Amazon are more comprehensive. As for the Anker Ace 313 charger, it seems like a promising product for Samsung users who prioritize fast charging and safety features.

I would like to see some examples of this with products from other brands. There is nothing on the charger that has anything with the word ACE on it:

Also, Anker had a big marketing push to mark everything as a Series 3,5,6,7 and model numbers to accomodate the dozens of products they release to avoid this confusion.

There isn’t even a link in the youtube video description to where to purchase the device if you were confused by the name. None of this makes any sense to me from a marketing nor sales perspectives.