Nebula Portable Projector

Must have missed that, thought only the $3000 was rocking laser.

There’s a couple of photos on a users review on showing picture quality. Not bad I guess for the specs (and depending on the camera they used) but not sold on the idea, or price for that matter…

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Delivery day is upon us. Finally. All your concerns are mine as well and I look forward to addressing some of them today when I test it out.


:thumbsup: Excellent news. You would probably have a good shot at winning on the Anker review giveaway it you also post your review under there…

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yeah and the review with the photos is an example where it is the temporary nature of the need. So battery life… they use it against a wall in a room with no power then move it to where is power to recharge.

In our home we use Chromebooks for that problem, about 6 hours off-power 13" bright screen in a $300 device with decent Wifi. In summer it is too hot to be indoors til bedtime so we sit in garden where its about-right temp and just use Chromebooks or tablets far from power.

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As long as it’s mostly positive…

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I agree with you Neil! I also think @cava3395 can post reviews in the campaign page to win free prizes hahaha…We are open minded, no worries.:grin:

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She is here! She is finally here! :grin: :grin: The review will be up tomorrow as UPS was late today and I have yet to properly test it out!


Really? Amazon won’t take it back? Well, that’s a bummer that you got a dud. I was so looking forward to your review on it. Have no fear, I’m sure Anker will help you out with the dud. :slight_smile:

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Amazon wanted me to pay the return shipping. Which was ridiculous. They claim it may have been damaged during transit which it clearly wasn’t. The thing just wont power on. No lights light up either when plugged in. Im so bummed :frowning:

I venture to guess that you are not a Prime member? Just email Anker support and I’m sure they’ll take good care of you. :slight_smile: Sorry that you’re going thru all that though. It’s always a big let down when one waits anxiously for an item and have something like this happen. I feel your pain. Hopefully, you’ll have it replaced and in your hands soon. :slight_smile: Until then, we will all have to wait patiently for your review on the Nebula. :slight_smile:

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Double ouch. Amazon certainly can be testing sometimes. Have you tried re-contacting them? I’ve had ones in the past where on the first contact I got no joy but on the second a refund/replacement was issued, seemed to be whether you fell lucky with the right agent. Failing that drop an email or @AnkerOfficial a direct message to see if they can speed things up.

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Thank you guys for your concern and Anker has been messaged already. I did call twice to Amazon and got the same useless clearly scripted responses.

Hi Adrian, my colleague from Anker support team have contacted you via support@seenebula, please check your email box, if you have any other issues, please feel free to let me know.:heart:

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The more expensive items I usually try to buy as direct as possible from manufacturer. Fewest middlemen possible for fewest excuses. I also use a good credit card who give me full refund.

I think the discounted Nebula is probably more expensive than anything I bought, after house, car, bike. More expensive than any laptop, tablet, phone etc.

Amazon is good for the lots of low cost items but you just witnessed the risks with Amazon.

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Yeah Nebula Customer service has responded to me a few hours back with basic troubleshooting, none of which worked. So we shall see how this pans out. As for Amazon they kindly “suspended” my account now. When I called to ask they had no reason other than the number I called them from didnt match my account and an account specialist would call me back with more info. Luckily as you mention @nigelhealy I do all my online shopping with a credit card for points/ security. I have yet to have to use the latter of the two although. I will keep everyone posted as to how Nebula customer service handles this.

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Thank you so much for your quick response and great customer service with this unfortunate matter. :slight_smile: I understand accidents happen and I look forward to receving a working unit here soon I still love you @AnkerOfficial my beefs with AMAZON :joy:

Wow! That sounds fun. That really sucks man.
Keep us posted. No doubt Anker will issue a full refund, but let’s hope you get it figured out with Amazon. Good luck

Better post your review on the campaign page :joy:

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There will be no review a replacement would come too late for that to happen. Although I do still have pictures and an unbox video??? Hahaha! No that wouldn’t be fair to you all.

I’m afraid there’s a misunderstanding. You see, the Nebula projector isn’t supposed to ‘power on’


I didn’t see the disclaimer at the bottom of the product description. “Non-Functional coffee table conversation piece” my bad… :smile: