Naming Contest | Nickname Your Anker Things

Starlight, like it :+1:t2:

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I’ll just be watching from the sidelines on this one because I never like naming my stuff for some reason. I am attached to everything I own but like them unnamed.

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Evening everyone.
It’s been another crazy week, sorry I haven’t been very present.

Recently after much help and discussion with many members but mainly @professor I bought a 20000pd power bank.

The guys at work named it after an old English wrestler. I had to search online as he was before my time.

I present to you Big Daddy, the power bank!

And for those like me who doesn’t know who Big Daddy was you can take a look here.


This is awesome. Was it actually turned on?

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Hey @SimonJones
It certainly was. Here’s the YouTube video :rofl:


Awesome, crazy and more crazy.
How many glasses of wine did you spill @paulstevenewing

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No, no, no!
Mary is well trained, she knows alcohol is not for spilling :rofl:


We named my Eufy Robovac 25C as “Astroboy” and this is our first Robotic vacuum cleaner, we were blown away how Astroboy cleaned the flour, candies and dirt at home. Since it was our first, named Astroboy

Astroboy has other friends, Willy, Mary have been mentioned above, waiting on Duchess now




I don’t have names but I do have text art:
Hopefully it shows up like it should(should be a underscore between the ears and feet

Evening Astroboy :metal:t2:

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I remember watching Big Daddy (just :rofl:) and his arch enemy Giant Haystacks.
I was mesmerised as a kid on a Saturday afternoon watching the wrestling, it brings back some memories.

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I thought I may be the only one that named their stuff on a regular. My reasoning for doing so is that having 2 kids and a dog. Walk is no longer walk, it is Lopen (wife grew up in the Netherlands). Vacuum is no longer vacuum, it is Sir Sucks A’lot. My kids love vacuuming, not so much for the satisfaction of cleaning, but that they are 2.5 and 1.5, so loud noises and lights are fun for them.

I use our HomeVac for smaller/quick cleanups. They see it come out and get excited because they know they will be able to “help out” with me cleaning up. The dog (Sunny) not so much. Prior to naming it that, saying vaccum made him dart away as quick as possible. He still does that, but now it is from him seeing/hearing it, not so much the word vacuum.


Gotta love your honesty :+1:


Appreciate the honesty. I don’t name a lot of tech but some of them just happen to get named every now and then

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willy lump lump

Mine is called RIP because it used to rip through the house picking up the dust and dirt :laughing:

When he was alive he was Jac the Robovac :heartpulse:


Speedy Snail

It is a pretty nice idea. Love your guys originality

So is getting a new brush like getting false teeth @Chiquinho :wink:

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