Mophie announces powerstation PD

mophie today announced two new external batteries with Power Delivery.

powerstation PD features a 6,700mAh battery and costs $59.95.
powerstation PD XL features a 10,050mAh battery and costs $79.95.

Those are way too expensive! I believe Anker can do much better, but they need to operate with urgency.

Who else has been waiting for more compact portable chargers with Power Delivery? Let us know your thoughts down below!


I very much have!

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What is the Power Delivery feature? I’m too lazy to google so just gonna ask here

I would also like to see Anker PD power Banks with these specs I’m sure we will see them in the coming year but sooner would be better then later to corner the market…

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Xiaimi 20Ah 45W powerbank now too.

Come on Anker!

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Again, I think Anker can do better.

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way too expensive


What is the new material everyone is making semiconductors out of?

Once Anker has perfected the tech it would be a great addition to future power banks to make them smaller

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So understand what it helps vs doesn’t help. It doesn’t help with energy density, doesn’t help particularly with recharging a powerbank, but what it would particularly help with is increasing the Wattage output, e.g. higher output USB-PD from a smaller powerbank.

The reason is that DC-DC conversion efficiency is improved with higher frequency, that means less heat from electronics next to a heat-sensitive Lithium cell.

What Anker so far has announced is GaN PD chargers, but if they put it into powerbanks it would really help PD powerbanks particularly.


Perhaps that’s the reason it’s taking so long for them to release compact PowerCores with PD. :pray:

Would it help much with a wireless charging power bank?

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Yes but more safety issues, the higher the frequency more it can cause induction unwanted in humans. Also probably the limiting factor of induction is the whole principal, it makes electricity where you don’t want it in a mostly metal phone. So ironically a “too good” induction would become bad. Most gain from induction would be changing the shape of phone, shape of charger like you rested the phone in a phone-shaped recess than ontop, as more of the EM waves gets into the device. So imagine a coil all around the edge of the phone right next to the coil immediately outside the phone. The heat would be spread out and so be a better physically designed shape than the current small coils held off by the thickness of the phone’s material and the thickness of the charger’s surface.


Thanks! Well I don’t have compatible device so won’t really affect me

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That’s the one😎

What I was trying to say is if Anker use gallium components that are smaller the power banks charging board could be made smaller making the powerbank smaller or be able to output more power at current sizes

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Oh I understand you better now.

But that’s going to be minor. The need for higher wattage is to recharge bigger laptop batteries faster so you need a lot of energy so the powerbank has to be big and the electronics part is small so you’d barely notice it.

You may more able to notice it on the 6700 - 13000 sizes where you’d say say a 6700 15W or a 10000 20W.

For example this teardown

The two USB ports same size, those coils cannot be made smaller and so the only thing you can shrink is those small already black chips. No, I think most obvious change would be just higher upper wattage, noticeably more so in smaller powercore. e.g. the Anker Powercore 20000 PD is currently a 15V maximum which means it would not recharge certain laptops but with GaN you’ve move that up to say 20V maximum and so do more things.

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I’m hoping Anker makes something similar to these. I’ve been wanting a pocket size PD battery bank.

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Hopefully Anker will produce a compact PD power bank soon! I’d hate for overpriced mophie to gain any marketshare.

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