March 2018 Forum Update (and "ankerstoreadmin")

@Nhi there is a review tab, but it’s under each brand separately. Click on a brand at the top and you will see this for each one


Happy to hear all feedback. We will breakdown 3 or 4 times update in next 3 weeks.


is it me or does it seem slower? Scrolling takes longer see grey bars and wait for longer

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I agree, that was always fun.

See, I’m still not getting notifications properly. Did not get notified when you taged me in this.

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Was this always there?

well spotted. Some work some dont.

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New mods?!

I only see 2 mods I haven’t seen before, irenevia or whatever it says and gadhe

Looks better and more organized though.

LOL… Thanks. I actually found that out after I posted. Glad to see that there is a Review section.

Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering what was going on. Lol

I normally use my phone to interact on here (it’s just easier) but noticed on my iPad and using safari i could upload multiple images at once. Have you always been able to do that on a laptop/computer or is it new for everyone?

I know it was one of my requested features.

Will try a multiple upload on my phone next :slight_smile:

Testing multiple photo upload on iPhone

Nope :thumbsdown:

Any chance of having small video clips uploaded Max 20 seconds or something??
Just saves having to post everything via YouTube. Would definitely help when we are trying to help others and people can upload quick vids or errors and issues.

Noticed this when trying to tag Rob.
On iPad safari when typing a post, it goes full screen. Is this normal?

When tagging someone, they are off screen. (See image). How do you cope with his without knowing the exact username?

Images upload much faster on my iPad compared to my phone.

It’s anoying so o usually find someone’s post and copy their name

So there is one thing here that works better on the phone than the desktop :yum:

I don’t ever use desktop unless I’m writing a review or editing it. I’m almost always on my phone and also sometimes write my review on here too

Sadly, it has been that way for as long as I can remember. :disappointed:

Seen those two before, think they are accounts from the very first community…

Menu system could do with some better organising today, like into sections :anguished: