Is this the quietest week ever of the Anker Community?

I can imagine that for such ones which are working it is really difficult to “divide” themselves and being active in both.


I normally visit the communities when I’m working and its slow. :smiley:


But there should be some work you have to do beside visiting the communities! :smile:


Agree, I’m sticking with Anker.
Would love to have time to monitor both but just can’t fit it in.

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I think go right now I’m gonna be sticking to this community :heart:


I’d like to think I’m fairly active, yet I’m on 190, while No1 is on 1,000 how da fk is that possible?

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Large social following in place before the promotion :pouting_man:

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I think it’s been dead since the new Anker forum update.

A lot of referrals…

I don’t think so. Most people don’t really care anker that.

The new soundcore forum was introduced, and a lot of people are spending time there, instead of here…

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I think this is a good point. You don’t have as many people here farming because it makes more sense to farm at Soundcore this month. Add to that the much lower point availability here (it takes literally years to level up at this community now) and it’s recipe for a quiet month.


Yes indeed the farmers and fishermen moved.
“migrant workers” :rofl: