If there is nothing else than a lousy translator, please ask me

I found that description full of errors at amazon.de
Who does care about those publishing?
If there is nobody I can do.
That text is even worse as others showing up using some lousy translators.
If there is help needed I will do it.


Nice offer of help.
Recently I’ve noticed odd things on Amazon, maybe this can be the place we share anomaly’s so Anker can address.

Here is the old LC40 twin pack, one torch says ANKER, the other says ANKE - the R is missing :thinking:

The reason behind this is obvious, but still should be corrected.

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Those wrong photos are not so important.
But to leave a short description FULL of grammatical errors is really bad.
I have seen those from other chinese companies.
Using a simple translator, which is not a solution of course.

Some of them I “help” to avoid those errors and they really appreciate it.
Often I get english manuals which I “translate” into German.
Mine are much better than the original ones! :joy:


I would be happy to help, with the English translation obviously.
The only German word in know is “Prost” and I learned this from you :wink:

Klar, PROST, mein Freund Paul.
There is no translator needed. :rofl:

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They need to do better. It looks unprofessional

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You see those grammatical errors.
I was a teacher, so it hurts me always to read.

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Oh really? What grades did you teach?

Informatics at the University.

Cool, I would’ve never guessed