Gallery Section for Anker Community!

Its amazing how quickly this has gone from a let’s have a gallery and share products photos. To having a rule book as thick as my arm with prizes and powerbucks being requested :rofl:



That’s great @professor
We have a similar saying in our operations department, only it’s been so long that I’ve had to think about workm I’m beginning to forget what was is/was :flushed:


Good discussion! I also want to contribute my thought here :joy:

  1. Community users can submit any high quality photos or videos ( No limit on the number of photos or videos submitted, high quality content will be pinned on the page weekly----get bucks and points reward)

  2. Every month, Anker admin team will pick 2 winners based on the photo quality and user votes. Winners can get anker mystery product for free, good photo will also have chance to showcase on anker social media platform.


I like this idea too :ok_hand: let’s start the Gallery section now.

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once I get my charger ill post some pics


Maybe even do my first review :grin:


This made my day! So true… I laughed so hard that colleagues came to me asking what’s going on :joy::joy::joy:


@LouiseHan Hey!! Haven’t seen you here for a while!! Glad to see you back :clap:


How have you been, @LouiseHan?

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@AnkerOfficial do we think Anker Gallery will launch soon, may be in couple of months time :wink:

I’m trying to squeeze our Gallery plan into the technical team’s schedule :rofl: but yes, should be in couple of months.


Good to know, thanks @AnkerOfficial !

Thanks for the update :+1:t2:

We use this for our end users every time we do a development with them. We also do a making a peanut and jelly sandwich. It is a good one as they tell you get the bread and you rip open the bread bag or stating putting peanut butter on the bread and putting the jar to the bread. They learn real quick to provide more precise steps.

thank you very much @AnkerOfficial :pray:

Gentle Reminder / Follow-up @AnkerOfficial … being very realistic, do we think the Gallery might happen for Anker community this year ? :slight_smile:

Just saw the thread for the first time :sweat_smile:. I agree with a lot of points put here. But instead of 2 winners, winner can be chosen by 50% likes & 50% mods/admin pic. Scores can be assigned that way and highest score wins. Idk if that made much sense but I’m willing to rephrase if no one understood it

my thoughts… I completely dislike the whole idea about “likes”… Admin should chose the pic which best represents the Anker product based on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, artistic merits. Likes may play a role but not weighted on them… we saw a recently conducted event, there were some great pics posted… however some last minute likes hijacked the event i should say… Similarly there are some few elites who have large fan following, will get all the likes :smiley:

In Soundcore Gallery - this is not based on Likes… but Admins select based on which one is representing the Soundcore Product in the pic and more (Loz has mentioned it in multiple posts :slight_smile: ) … hope same is followed here…

Eventually, Anker will decide… hoping for the best! :crossed_fingers: :+1:

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I don’t like the whole “like” thing either but thought it was make it tempting for everyone to participate. I didn’t know that’s how Soundcore actually did it so makes much more sense now. Considering gallery is popping there (mostly for points on leaderboard but still is popping), it can be popular here too.

In conclusion, I’m on board with the admin/mods choosing the winners now that I have more info