For german people

Hi community,
is there any Forum for People who speak german?
Thx for helping me.

First "WELOME!!!

What do you want to know?
If there is something “private” write me a “pm”
But here in “our family” there are the most things public! :rofl:
No secrets here.

Servus aus München.
Was möchtest Du denn wissen?
Wenn es was sehr “Privates” ist schreib mir doch eine “private email”
Aber wir haben hier keine Geheimnisse in der “Familie”


ich wollte einfach nur wissen ob es so eine Art “Deutsche Community” hier gibt.

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Doch , klar.
Ein paar Deutsche gibt es hier schon.
Du bist herzlich willkommen!!!

There are a few.
Not many.
Please do us all a favour, write in English.
We use the Englisch language, as the most here understand.
Dont mind your English is not perfect.
Even the English from native speakers is not perfect often! …hehehe!

Yeah my English is worst than most :joy::joy::joy:

And it’s pretty much all I know

(P.s hopefully people get my sarcasm with the grammar)

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I can’t even speak English. I just know American…

Hallo @_qlim , ich bin Engländer, kann aber sehr gut deutsch durch Google übersetzen.

Yeah @techman used to correct grammar but not any more. He is quite now.

I don’t see why I’m “known for that” since I only did it once or twice :thinking:.

In fact I still do. I find Certain grammatical errors to be really annoying, and I can’t help correcting them.

Most of the time I just let it go lol

People just have no time to look back what they wrote.

Usually I speak Bavarian. Better than German! :rofl:

Juhu, dann können wir uns wenigstens auf Deutsch gegenseitig unser Leid klagen. Von Anker hört je eh niemand zu…

Keine Sorge, sie hören alles. Sie wählen nur sorgfältig aus, worauf sie reagieren.

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Big brother sees all, hears all and knows you well! :rofl:

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Bin auch aus Deuschland. Um genau zu sein aus Baden. Ist schön auch ein paar Deutsche hier zu wissen. But back to english as this is the Form Language. :de:

Nobody cares if you write some German sentences.

Grias Di!

There are not many “krauts” here, only a few.
But even such a tiny minority is STRONG! :rofl:

Thank you for the warm welcome. Are there many test possibilities for the German market? And how is the chance to take part as a newcomer?

We all have the same chance to take part. :smile:
At the moment the test items (chargers) are for US only.