[Event Ended] Power Station Grand Opening: Points Win Prizes

when is the anker power station coming out

thanks for sharing


this should be fun! I love winning stuff, love your stuff anker!!!

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definitely & who doesn’t want a freebie from Anker!

lol me too!

Great! This is a good way to get everyone involved. [quote=“AnkerOfficial, post:1, topic:977, full:true”]

To celebrate the launch of the brand new Anker Power Station, we’re excited to introduce our first community event. To get the conversation flowing, for one week ONLY (November 3rd - 9th) we’re awarding prizes to the Power Station’s top 50 contributors!


$140 Bundle: An Anker flagship selection for the top 10 contributors.
PowerCore Speed 20000 QC, Lumos A1 and SoundCore Sport XL.
$70 Bundle: For the top 11-30.
PowerCore Speed 20000 QC and SoundCore mini.
$40 Bundle: For the top 31-50.
PowerCore 10000 and LC40 Flashlight.

How to Earn Points

Power Station members can earn points for almost any activity; from starting a topic, to helping us fight spam.

To keep a track of your points, simply head over to your Power Station account in the top-right hand corner [Profile > Settings Wheel> Preferences].

Lucky Draw (for New Sign-Ups Only)

In addition, all new Anker.com registrations will automatically be entered into a Lucky Draw. The Lucky Draw gives new Power Station members a 1 in 10 chance of winning free Anker gear: SoundBuds Sport NB10, a Bluetooth Selfie Stick, or PowerDrive 2 .

Finally, to learn more about the community, please feel free to check out our handy Welcome Guide.

We can’t wait to meet you… Happy Posting!


  1. US/UK/CA only
  2. Sign in with your Anker account to enter the community.
  3. Winners will be announced on Monday November 14th via the forum.
  4. Starts Nov 3rd 12:00 AM PDT, ends Nov 9th 11:59 PM PDT.
  5. Only one account sign-up per person. Users suspected of cheating will have their account removed.
  6. Anker reserves the right of final explanation on the campaign.

I love Anker products and actually give you great reviews on my blog. Was hoping you have a program for bloggers for free product testing.
I sadly had a problem with item I just purchased today but hopefully support will fix it.

Thank u Anker

Nice! Looking forward to what Anker has to offer and to get feedback from other users too!

Finally something for us to join in with

Think baker products are amazing. Who does think there great value!?

love the idea anker

good luck everyone! I got a late start, well least I can enter the lucky draw

Looks like this thread is getting the community buzzing

Bring on the prizes :blush:

Nice incentives to get people active in the forums. But would also seem like people will spam the forums for points. This could be hit or miss. A miss for those who usually just get their info from browsing or find answers to their questions already.

Well count me in! :slight_smile:

Love a program that rewards you for brand loyalty and giving direct feedback.

How cool. Thanks!

Great startUploading…

Looking forward to this although I probably won’t win as I was a bit late getting the email