eufyCam Software Update and New Timeline

@Tank I guess you are talking about this, but this is oneway of doing it, not sure if it is as good.

Hi There, new to the Eufy Security system, actually just got mine yesterday. Anyway, I see in the time frame above a repeater launch for April/May. Is it a repeater to extend the base range, like a wifi repeater? That would be great, as I have poor signal in the locations where I plan to install my cameras. Thanks!

Looks like April / May has some good stuff coming.

Auto-update thumbnail, snapshot on notification, timestamp are all features I’m looking forward to. TouchID too.

I really hope there are iterative improvements in the ‘recording start’ speed too.

@AnkerSupport, can you PLEASE let us know the latest updates about IFTTT? The last time you told us anything about it, you said something that didn’t make any sense to most of us mere mortals, something like “it is still in the plans but we are considering whether to implement it”. Can you PLEASE give us a final update before the warranty expires? IFTTT was promised, so if it’s not going to be implemented you should give everyone the choice to return the items for a full refund.

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This is not proper IFTTT, this relies on having a mobile device between the trigger and the action, and that the mobile device is turned on and is connected to the network.

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Yes, this is exactly what the repeater is :smile:

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Good news about the motion detection activity zone you have planned. Will this require the “old” base station and / or permanent connection of the camera to power supply?

HomeBase on since 29th of March
Cams on 1.8.3 since 29th of March
still no version history or improvements update
just saying…

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100% correct. I havn’t seen any patchnotes or changelogs since the past 2 or 3 updates! :rage:

That’s not OK! In the first months they even posted the updates at kickstarter:

(Edit: Funny?! … i post a link to the updates section of the kickstarter campain and all what got implemented is the video?! :astonished: Here is the link using trick 17 to post it: - hope this one will work)

But also only partial and from time to time. In the meanwhile they let it grind and neglect criminally their changelog and patchnotes update infos! I don’t know why, but as they do not post any updates and infos anymore, we not even know what they changed, fixed or even which new bugs they have implemented - unacceptable.

But it seems that not enough customers complain about it to force them to finally bring changelogs again (and for the future) … :zipper_mouth:

But as you see, even if we complain since weeks, again and again, and even remind them … @AnkerOfficial @AnkerSupport @AnkerTechnical just do not care about! :grimacing:

Hi @yamyam,

Thanks for letting us know your concerns. I already forwarded the details of the case straight to the eufyCam product team, so they can be made aware of the situation.

Please be patient and wait. We’ll consider your advice and improve it as soon as possible. Thanks.


@2XS have you signed up for being a member eufycambeta test?

Ok @AnkerOfficial
I just hope we will get patchnotes and firmware update notes emmediatly after bringing them “on air” or even some time BEFORE. … Currently we do not get them at all, not before, not right at the launch and not even after releasing them.

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Beside the quality of thuis prodtuct, there are some negativ points from my perspective:

*The installation
of the whole system works just with the creating of a online account.

*RTSP Streaming to Synology Surveillance Station
is not stable.

*Streaming outside of your LAN is just working
over Relay-Server.

*It seems that there are delays of recording
bevor it starts.

*It´s not possible to blurry out parts of the recorded are. As an example neighbours garde, or the public street. In some countries of the EU its not allowed to record this.

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Excellent idea! Of course this “blurred” area should also then not trigger the recording!

I have added your idea to my TO-LIST as Point #18 - see here:

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Wow, your list is growing @yamyam

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Indeed @Ice1 … but only, because eufy doesn’t start (or accelerate) working off the list :laughing:

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May be eufy is working on a new camera design with your wish list in mind. :joy:

You mean eufy cam Revision 3.0? Following origin eufy cam (Rev.1) and eufy cam E (Rev.2) ?
Possible, i would support this but hope eufy cam C (Rev.3) isn’t as ugly as eufy cam E :upside_down:

By the way: eufy cam C stands for Complete :ok_hand:
Alternative: eufy cam F for Final :vulcan:

… or just “eufy cam YE” for Yami Edition :heartpulse:


This was mentioned long ago and eufy are apparently working on it, UK if not EU law stipulates that you must block any neighbors windows, doors, enclosed gardens for privacy

One of the reasons mine is boxed back up, waiting for this and other fixes

Any UK and EU owners be careful where you point your cameras, if a neighbor complains and its found that you can see in / on their property you can be in big trouble

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Good to know, I believe there are no such regulations in North America.