eufyCam not respecting activity zones for motion detection

We have several eufyCams and the one near our front door is constantly going off based on traffic on the street. I have set up activity zones that specifically DO NOT include the street, so the motion detection should not be going off, but it is very clear that is what is activating the camera, as shortly after a car passes our house the camera sends a notification. I even tried experimenting with Privacy Zones, and that didn’t seem to help either (although I don’t like having the black boxes on my video). Any other suggestions on how I can get the motion detection to respect the activity zones? I have it set to detect motion because we like when we capture animals at night on the cam, so we don’t want to set it to people only.

You could ask at the EUFY forum as well :

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My guess is: They posted here because EUFY has thoroughly ignored this issue for more than 2 years now, and basically keeps shoving customers off.

If you think about it, the Eufycams have a single passive infrared sensor to trigger the camera, so neither privacy or detection zones can affect what the sensor sees. Unlike a normal system that looks at changes in pixels and can actually choose to ignore the pixels in certain areas the Eufycams are a prisoner to that single PIR sensor, all the privacy zones do is block out the area in the video, but the PIR still triggers the camera if something moves in that zone, so you get ‘phantom recordings’ where you cannot see what actually triggered the camera. Motion zones are a con, I have tried both, but for the above reasons neither work, and never will with present setup of single PIR.