Eufy SpaceView - Force night vision to stay on for as long as it is dark?

I hate the loud click that happens on the camera when night vision mode is enabled. It’d be fine if it just happened once, but it actually happens every time you turn on the display - click on, click off, click on, click off. It actually wakes my baby which is probably going to mean I have to return this camera even though I’m really enjoying it otherwise a lot more than anything I’ve tried before.

Could there be a software update that made the camera stay in night vision mode if it’s in the dark? The only mitigation I’ve found so far is to leave the display on permanently until the baby wakes or until we go to bed. Otherwise we risk waking the baby when we check on her as the camera flips in and out of night vision mode…

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Hello! @Wisgary_Torres Sincerely apologize for all inconvenience caused by the click sound! Since we add an IR cut in the latest model to avoid the purple image once occurring in the original model, there will be a ‘click’ sound when entering into the night vision mode, so it only occurs at night as what you’ve observed. We’re so sorry that, after double confirmation with our engineer team, at the current stage, this switching sound cannot be disabled manually. Sincerely apologize for all disappointment caused! But to avoid the worse purple image, IR cut is needed indeed. We’ve forwarded your concern to our engineer and hope they can further consider the availability of sound removal in the future!

As a to-be perfect product, we do know there still exist many aspects of baby monitor that need further polishing. We will keep working! Sincerely thank you for your valuable time and feedback!