Eufy Floodlight Cam Printed MAC address

just received via best buy a new eufy floodlight cam. spent 4hrs trying to get this device connected to my network. i use a mac whitelist on my vlan for my security devices (and i have other vlans for my iot stuff and server/network related stuff). apparently the printed mac address on the device was not even close to what the mac address that shows up on the network client list (i run a ubiquiti system setup). that was a first time i have ever encountered a printed mac address for a device to be wrong in the 10+ years that i have been using a mac whitelist.

just thought someone might look into this since i have never seen this happen ever.

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I have 2 homebases & both of them the Mac address is different to what’s printed on the bottom
I put it down to the fact that it was originally Lan only with WiFi camera connection but was updated to allow WiFi network connection so effectively 3 network devices built in but only 1 Mac address printed on the device

Thank you for reaching out.

If the connection issue still perists, please feel free to contact us

Apologized again for any inconvenience caused. Any other concerns we can address in the future, please feel free to contact us.

Looking forward to your reply.