Does anyone still use headphones socket on phone?

I still use wired daily. I found a set that really sounds good (to me), which I have yet to find in bluetooth. I have a Phillips blueset that feels weird dangling off my ears. And sound quality isn’t that amazing. And I don’t want to spend 20-30 on an Anker set atm until my wired ones go kaput. I’m into bass, so I just read reviews on bluesets and most rely on how they broke or how they don’t fall off.

I still use the EarPods that came with my iPhone 6s. I find it useful when I’m out chasing bugs and stuff while taking pictures. Provides an easier way to snap the pic without a lot of the hand shake.

I still do, makes me feel better since I can still listen to a song or review without any batteries running out

coming from samsung, they have achieved ip68 with a headphone jack, i know other companies are not like this at the moment.

I wonder what they will replace the headphone jack with if they do decide to replace it

Understandably it’s like I mentioned they can put a larger battery in the phone. If you read up on any company who removes it their number 1 reasoning is to allow a bigger battery

In a way its annoying that manufacturers are getting rid of the socket. But I rarely use it. I mostly use Bluetooth. When I forget to charge my Anker buds then I use a wired set as a back up. I use a Bluetooth adapter when using my over-the-ear studio headphones for movies (Anker needs to make a studio over-the-ear) and other activities where I need higher quality headphones.

But bluetooth adapters and bluetooth earbuds only work when you keep them charged.

I have an iPhone 6 so i still use the headphones it came with.

I still use my Panasonic $12 wired buds daily for watching movies. the sound sync for movies does not work well with Bluetooth.

I have yet to use my headphone dongle or use the provided headphones that came with iPhone 7…

A few months ago I did plug in my bluetooth over ear headphones with the aux cable cause I didn’t feel like pairing them…

Other than that 1 time, haven’t used 3.5 in probably 2 years headphone or speaker…

Sometimes when the BT headphones are out of battery…

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Since Bluetooth has become cheaper and much better implemented, I haven’t. My car doesn’t have Bluetooth, but since I got my family transmitter, haven’t touched the aux port but to pull pocket fuzz out of it:joy:

Ditto as spare.

I use standard apple headphones with my IPad and IPhone 6. But, I am thinking of purchasing some Soundbuds.

Cool. For what common situation purpose?

Mostly watching YouTube or Movies and I have some over ear Beats I sometimes use for workouts.

If I got some soundbuds it would definitely make my running easier and I would use them for YouTube too.

For what duration between charges? How noisy is the environment? I tend to use most hours with the Life as they simply have better battery life about a 24 hour in near continuous use, I move to Slim (and now Slim+) for active movement situations in my case is a few hours. The Slim and the SLim+ have an eerily very good sound isolation, they block the outside world out extremely well. Don’t know how they do that. The Life simply doesn’t that noise isolation as good. I don’t know why.

I would easily be able to charge them at night but I don’t see myself using earbuds more than 4-5 hours a day with more like 3 the average. It also sound like I might be able to use these while mowing as my mower is extremely loud :joy:

Perfect. You have an answer therefore. Just wait for the discount code. It is likely along in a month-ish.

Sounds like a plan

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