Daylights savings time ends

Just a friendly reminder that daylights savings time ends tonight, so you should probably set your clocks back one hour :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.


More then once I have forgotten to change the clocks, and it never turns out well haha. At least I always have a valid excuse for being late/early to stuff.

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Remind me again… Do I go 1hr ahead or behind ??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Fall back, spring forward :joy:

All I do is fall back and fall back :grin::grin::grin:

Thanks for the heads up!!!

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Was here last Sunday.
You over the pond seem to be always late…heheh!
But this whole procedere doesnt make much sense at all.

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I am waiting for when California will Change Daylight Saving Time… Keep the Daylight saving round the year… Hopefully sooner the better :crossed_fingers:t2:

Now it will be dark super early! I won’t feel obligated to do yard work when I get home.

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Good thing will be in a few years when they decide to stop changing clocks won’t have to worry about it :muscle:t2: (In the UK anyway)

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yes… Hope this clock turning thing stops… breaks the sleep cycle :worried:

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Here in the UK our clocks changed last week.
As @k_pug2003 mentions, hopefully sometime very soon they will stop all the clock change nonsense.

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Ja Genau , some weird idea of that useless EC.

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I want them to get rid of Daylight Saving Time and just stick to Standard Time!! It’s so much better.

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Daylight Saving or Standard Saving…some fixed time is good… this change has serious impact on health, mostly kids, monday is going to be a tough on… they wake up early


The last time our clocks will change (under current legislation) is March 2021

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Really? I didn’t know it had officially been stopped.
That good news in my book :+1:t2:

As a kid my parents tried to get me to get 10hrs of sleep a night. I never got more then like 5, because I honestly don’t sleep that much.

Yeah I mean unless they decide to change legislation again. Only have 3 more changes :muscle:t2:

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Keeping my fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:t2:

I am both a night owl and an early bird

i only had two things to update the clock on… Time for a smart microwave!

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