Coming Soon

Interesting…perhaps the Zolo Zero might make an earlier appearance…unless they have plans for another speaker with this one still awaiting release…


This is what I’m thinking…and the one I really wanna test out


I’m thinking the same thing

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I am going to go out on a limb and say it will be something that is a direct competitor to the Apple Home Pod… Right after the Home Pod announcement was made, @AnkerOfficial started dropping hints like crazy - but no product was announced. Now this image has quite the resemblance to Siri - I wonder if there is going to be some link… :wink:

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Apple home pod was and is a failure imo, far to late to the market when there are vastly superior others that can do more and are not tied directly to apples ecosystem. So to say any new product is a competitor to apples home pod is just wrong as it is the other way around and apple is trying to compete in a market that it has already failed in

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Dude - everybody has got an opinion. I was directly referencing this thread: Anker is Working on a HomePod Competitor

If you have any guess on what the image in the post is about - feel free to chime in about that.

I probably know what announcements they would make!:laughing:


Give us another guess the product then :grin:

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Could be Mojo+ and Halo+ but probably bigger than that.

Is this in FCC?

I think that the market isn’t ready for an HomePod competition. Siri is not working good enough. On the other side people will be interested to compare the solo device with the HomePod

Would any of those over head headphones be ready yet?

Too much audio innovation, too little power innovation.

I’m awashed with speakers and buds choices but can I get a 100W charger?

Typed on a 4 year old Nexus 7.

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Good call, could possibly the over ear headphones, they have at least hit FCC…

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Although those would probably stick under the new SoundCore brand rather than Zolo.


That’s it!!! It’s the soundcore website

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PLEASE let this be over-ear headphones.

They did mention that live chat was coming to their website soon. I know there were a few other things under the coming soon section but can’t recall and seems to have disappeared.

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Maybe has something to do with the number 6? :laughing:

Should be interesting… however all this brand dilution is getting a bit confusing :slight_smile:
SoundCore is it’s own brand now?