Beast from east

We are lucky to live on a street that they don’t plow. This is a common occurrence on streets that they do plow.

The city issues a 24-48 hour parking ban after a snow storm in which you need to clear your vehicle. If you have a front driveway on a bus route your driveway gets the same treatment as this poor car.

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Good news is it is white snow.

Unlike say New Jersey.

That looks like the kinda snow I saw on YouTube that didn’t melt when a lighter was held to it.

So last night I tried to go to work, but instead I slid down my driveway sideways right into my step father’s pickup truck. I broke my tail light and busted his fender/bumper/and shifted his hood towards the driverside.

Needless to say I got a ride to work because I had my annual review last night and had to be there. But sadly I uave to fix both cars so it’s gonna cost a bit.

Oh yea, it’s still freaking snowing out so yay…I hate this weather


That is a puzzle. So you are used to snow, ice? So how did that accident occur? The UK “beast from the east” is in a country now with rare snow and so the drivers are inexperienced and the vehicles not 4x4 and lots of reasonable excuses (*) for being unaware and caught out.

By Maine?

(*) plan for the worst hope for the best, works for me.

Oh yes I am very much use to the snow, born and raised in the north east my whole life so driving in it and dealing with it you get use to it.

The problem is our driveway when plowed, coupled with rain and snow becomes an ice rink. So even woth snow tires or studded snow tires you can and will potentially still slide trying to get out. The drivway can be seen here…

I’m not too worried about the damage, all that can be easily fixed.


She’s back :snowman:



This is what I had to deal with last week, and were supposed to be getting more come Tuesday


Snow and ice bring travel disruption -

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You guys are snow Pro’s though. We don’t like it lol


I had some fun in the snow with some animals today… (it’s a short video, can’t upload it here)



Nice porgs haha.

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Those things are pretty sweet. Never seen one before, what are they?

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Nicely Photoshopped.

Was quite cute

Porgs from star wars

so are they real life animals or just digital creations??

All digital creations

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Digital AR creations, shadows on the ground are giveaway…

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As @ndalby says, they are AR stickers. Add on for the camera app for pixel phones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No Photoshop required.

Oh, and porgs from star wars. Apparently when filming on location, the place was covered with wild birds that they were not allowed to remove. So it was either CGI them out, or put a mask on them. And so the porgs were born :smile_cat: