In my opinion, Anker has a great website, this forum is great and their subreddit is up and running nicely, but they are lacking an app and I’ll tell you why I think so. First off the people that are dedicated to Anker, loyal customers, Power Users, Forum Users or just people who generally like Anker products need 1 place where all these different #Anker “Access Points” can all be narrowed down. Now I am NOT saying that the app should contain this entire forum, or their site or reddit, but it would be nice to be able to open an app and see all replies, messages, likes etc. from all those different sources so that one knows where to log onto in order to help people, ask questions or just generally get updates about Power User/Draw deals and any other notifications one may receive who is on the sites. Obviously, it would have Anker’s and their “sub-companies” Roav etc., products listed as well. Does anyone have an opinion? Unnecessary? Awesome? If you like the idea, what would you like to see in the app?