Anker Fan Swag | Tell Us What You Want This Time

I agree. That does look pretty good.

A flag, another shirt ECT. Bumper sticker would be great

nice giveaways idea @AnkerOfficial

relaxed weekend to all :upside_down_face:

Maybe next year they will do sweatshirt so I can wear the t shirt in the summer and sweatshirt in the winter

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Awesome swag options. I still have my shirt from the last round. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the swag @AnkerOfficial

Another t-shirt design competition would be great


Bumper sticker would be a great idea tbh. A lot publicity than bottles and what not

I hit level 7 a long time ago but back then I just sent @AnkerOfficial a message and they sent me the T-Shirt. Idk if that’s still a thing. And @jercox there was a swag giveaway kind of thing last year when all level 7+ got an Anker T-Shirt.


Thanks. I wasn’t level 7+ a year ago, so that giveaway wouldn’t have applied…

That’s true but you can check with them if it’s valid and if they have any available. Worst case you won’t get it so nothing changes

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Always appreciate you thinking of your community of fans, @AnkerOfficial,

Thanks as always!

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Let me explain why this year T-shirt isn’t an option. :face_with_monocle:
We’ve been trying to make a different fan swag for each year, in this case members can get something new and don’t have to get the same old type of item every single time.
But I see many of you still want a T-shirt :relaxed:
So in coming years, T-shirt will be back as a fan swag option. How’s that? :laughing:


And I’m thinking hat is a good idea too :+1:


It is good that we can see T-shirt in next few years… Good idea, get some new items :+1:

May be baseball style caps may be one of the options :grin: (this year / next year)

A cap! That’s all I want! :laughing:
Much easier than a T-shirt (no S/M/L/XL/XXL/ …XXXXL :rofl:)
But please a “curved visor”


Definitely a curved visor!

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Those others (straight visors) look strange for me.
Would fit to a "rectangle face "



Awesome! Can’t wait for it!

I think it safe to say the sport bottles won


Some cute cable cord protectors would be great! :dog::grinning: