Anker Fan Swag | Tell Us What You Want This Time

Nice little thing for you higher levels. I’ll be there next year.

Personally, I don’t need another sports bottle. Of these items, I’d like stickers more than the others.


I would like a cap.
I wear such a cap all day.
Old men are always freezing on the head.
Should I make a design?
I made a simple one for a soundcore cap.
We were discussing about, but there was no further proceedings.

May be such a black one.


Yay, another fan swag. :slight_smile: It would be nice if it was a tech bag or backpack. That would be way cool. Nevertheless, Anker is always so generous so I’m grateful.


But there could be special mind control tech in the hat making you buy more Anker products :thinking:

May be add the Anker Logo on the back of the cap, similar to the idea for Soundcore :wink:


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I feel like there already is some type of mind control going on here making the money in my wallet suddenly being spent on Anker products😂

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Yay! I hope stickers win, because then anyhting you have can become Anker swag!

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I know how you feel @ktkundy :grin:

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I love all the ideas proposed! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Anker swag is cool, like a hat or a mask would be really swagger!

Guess people don’t want stickers anymore lol

got my votes…my wife is looking for a pop socket…that could be an idea :slight_smile: or a pair of socks

I will be active to participate next year

Yes the same we designed that soundcore cap.

But it should kept simple. :grinning:

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Oh ja socks! ( I can take such an order )
Here is a my pensioner’s factory:


And here is our latest socks “creation”! (please French pronouncing) :rofl:



Thank you @AnkerOfficial for the 2020 swag.
Maybe you could Brand the Anker Lockdown 2020 to remind us all of the last few months.


Depends what it is, if I don’t have a need I’d prefer it go to someone else who does. Nothing is free, there is a cost, in terms of environment, so prefer it to go someone who will use and benefit from it and not just put it on a shelf. I currently have two water bottles still working. I have 2 caps, one is on way out but I want a waterproof replacement, etc, etc.

Based on the last experience, depending what it is, I may ask for a volunteer to give me their address so its put to good use.




I got such a shirt.
Gave it to my son and he wears and likes it.
I would like such a cap.
Other items I dont need.
Should be donated to someone who likes and “needs”. :wink:


I am with Tank. A hat would be good. I would use a lot more and it would get more seen than other items. I would be a walking billboard. :wink: