Anker Auction House | Smart Scale P1

Why can you no longer see other users points and powerbucks?

Your bid is invalid, you are at Level 0, I am sure you don’t have 220 Power Bucks in your account.
@AnkerOfficial What happens now?
Start from the legit bid 200 ? before this one?

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That’s what I was thinking as well. I scrolled past, went back to look and scratch my head for a moment.

Wait, back to 200, or Quinn’s 300?

It’s starting to pick up now :+1:

Probably just keep going from the 300… doesn’t really matter at this point, as it would have made it to 300 anyway :man_shrugging:.

@AnkerOfficial this is exactly the reason why all powerbucks should be visible. It’s the only way we can keep accountability in these auctions.



Or … it would be even better if the auction had its own page similar to the PowerDraw page. So you are limited by the system to bid only up to how many PBs you have.

And … if we’re gonna have an auction site, then I’d like one-day auctions. Announced in advance, like 1 week notice. So auction would start at July 1 at 12:00 AM PDT and end at July 2 at 12:00 AM PDT.

My 2 cents.

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I’ve had my P1 for less than a week. So far, love it. Haven’t used the app via BT or any measure other than weight (I’ll get around to it). Form factor is great. And very accurate (comparing it to the medical-grade scales at my clinics which cost almost $400 and are considered very accurate).

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I am aware of why these Points and Powerbucks are no longer shown. If you check Soundcore, there as well you will no longer see points and Notes.

There was a vulnerability… Or a glitch, which I reported to admins at each community and for time being this has been hidden on both Anker and Soundcore. That is all i can mention for now and will let @AnkerOfficial to touch on it as time comes

I wouldn’t mind that too much, but have the end times vary randomly so different regions have a chance. In this type of auction, if you won’t be awake and online at the end you might as well give up already. I won’t be online at 3am est.

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That’s a great input :+1:… I already have 2 weighing scales at home… So still unable to make my mind :grin: and your feedback makes me go for it… Still thinking though

Yeah staying up till 3am is sometimes a lot for me

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Cool. I was bowing out anyway. LOL

As this bid is invalid, let’s adjust the bid number a little bit.
@Lukas22 added 20 to @Webster_Pratt’s number (200), so I’m gonna minus 20 from the latest bid.
That means, we are now at @Quinn_Armstrong 's bid: 280


That’s just … logical. Is that allowed here? :laughing:

Hey @AnkerOfficial Pei I thought you all had Holidays for Dragon Boat Festival from Jun 25th for 3days. Nice to see you online though for taking care of the Auction event. :pray::+1:

Until we figure out a fixed solution (might need some system change) for the auction event, to be as fair as possible, the only two ways we can do for now:
If an invalid bid occurs and an admin notices it right away, then this bid number gets cancelled immediately.
If an invalid bid occurs and an admin does not notice it in time, and others bid after it already, to keep the auction going smoothly, minusing the difference between an invalid bid and the original number from the latest bid may be a doable solution for now. :relaxed:

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Ya, it’s holiday time, but I would still like to keep an eye on the auction just in case invalid bid happens lol.


Auctions need to be always watched by the auctioneer!


You are up early Franz :laughing::laughing: Good morning

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