Anker Auction House | Anker PowerCore 20000 Redux

Yes, or join the discussion, and bring some positive thinking to the community as well.:innocent:

I better start creating some threads!

Yes i need to know more about your favourite cheese

I wonder what is the world’s longest nail?

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Lol you are too funny man! I was just messing with you

You have a problem with me making threads?

Do you think it is worth to join the auction? I mean it would be great but I don’t know what the next auction will be

You got a month to figure out what the next auction will be so if you want to enter go for it… But are you prepared to out bid me?
The current bid is 1100

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Change from @Ryandhazen to @gAnkster :joy: :joy: :joy:


Child’s play :joy:

Something’s telling me this is going to be the new “regular” bid for these auctions… :confused:

Darn, I wish I could bid. :unamused:

Stay active and you can take part in the next one! :grin:

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@joshuad11 what exactly is a “contributor”?

You shared the post about what exactly a contributor is. When you tweet justifying your 6g post. You confuse me so much :joy:

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What? I have no idea what your talking about.

Remember this??

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Ohhhhhh. Yeah, haha. Didn’t realize it was the same thing. Nice. Sorry about that.

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When I read “contributor”, I was thinking maybe it was an investor in anker stocks or something. I didn’t realize it was the same thing as star contributors. :grin:

@Anjou1888 Your starting to prove everyone right about you posting just to farm more points…