Anker at work!

Had to order some stuff for work :grin:

Powerport 6 I am especially excited about. I am including it our SlingStudio kit. Look at all these USB chargeable things the need to be recharged all at once:

Good thing Anker is on my side!


great stuff!

gave my Nebula Capsule to a team member for a party tonight… so spreading more details about Anker and Sister brands!


We know a Powerport 6 consolidates USB chargers.

But what did you buy? The photo shows big blue, small blue, two grey boxes.


I got three micro cables for other applications - connecting document cameras to computers. the cables that shipped with the doc cams are prone to failure. Those two gray boxes (a new design I had not seen before) are 6ft micros, and the blue box is a 10 ft micro.

Anker to the rescue again

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Nice! Setup. Most of my photo gear is Anker now as well.

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A nice “doctor’s case” you own! :joy:

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Doctor Anker says… A usb cable a day keeps the…


Very nice!! I love when I get to order Anker for my job as well!

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Great stuff!

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A bit lame aahaha

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I did the same thing… Ordered some lightning cables and chargers some time ago, co-workers liked them a lot.

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Hey I gotta take what I can get :laughing:

Awesome! We actually use Anker at my job too, we need tons of USB ports to transfer data!

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That’s pretty cool :+1:

Why don’t you need Anker powerconf!:rofl:

First he would need a bigger tool box!

It would be a sensation if he would show up with such one!
