Anker 20% Deals on Type-C products (US only) - Expired

Will Anker continue to do deals and giveaways like this exclusive to the forum?

Thank you Anker! USB-C is the future!

Awesome, this will come into handy :stuck_out_tongue:

Will the Anker PowerPort+ 5 (60W) will work as a power source for the new MBP 13",
the apple webpage says it comes with a 61W power supply ?

Thx for the discount offers

Nice! Was going to get a type c cable anyways,

US only again. Please bring these deals to CA. I’m dying to get some Powerline+ type cables for my households newer Nexus devices. Other charge chords just can’t keep up to the high amperage needs of today’s chargers (well, very few can. But Anker takes the cake!)

There should be a deal too for UK markets. Why is it always the US and not the rest?

maybe because Anker is mainly a US based company ?

Yes, I would hope so, because my friend in UK, he also wants the Anker as well. Especially the powerbanks.

Thank you Anker for the promotion code again.

hopefully theres a deal on car chargers soon.

Keep the deals and forums running…this is perfect

This is a handy post. Now to just get some USB Type C products so that I can have a reason to buy cables. :wink:

Totally agree wth everyone else on the want for UK deals but can understand this could get annoying with more and more countries wanting similar perks.

This is great! Is this sale anywhere else or only on the forum?

I looked.


Is there a reason to make it US only, it puts me off buying Anker if they aren’t bothered about the UK market.

Waiting for some Anker deals on German amzon :frowning:

Fee to check this post: iPhone 7 cases 70% OFF, 200 codes per day from 7th to 13th. (US, UK and Germany)

I would love to see this deal in the UK!!!